Hello long lost friends

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I walked over to Beau's house and knocked on the door. He answers and gives me a kiss. I hug him and walk in.
"Chels?" Luke says
"Yeah... That's me" I said happily
"Long lost friend" jai said
"Jai?" I screamed and hugged him adding Luke into the hug
"GROUP HUGGGG" Daniel and skip shouted
As we group hugged Beau farted
"Eww that's discusting Beau" I shouted
"Sorry baby" Beau said to me
"Are you going out?" Skip said
"Yep" Beau said
" and I'm also pregnant" I lied
"Really? Wow you got that boy, go brother" all 4 of them said
"I was joking guys" I said laughing and do was Beau
" oh I was looking forward to being a uncle" jai said
" ahah anyway biach I gotta go" I said to all of the boys
"Bye chels" was what all the boys said
"I'll see you out baby" Beau said
At the door I was about to go till Beau called me back
"Chels" Beau shouted
"Beau" I shouted back laughing
"Want to go on another date?" Beau said
"No" I said back
"What why?" He said back
"I was joking baby I would love to" I said
"Tomorrow?" We said in sync
"Yep" we said in sync again
"Babe" Beau said looking nervous
"Yeah?" I said back
" wanna move in with me?" Beau shouted happily
"Yeah I would love to, when?" I asked
How about after our date?" beau suggested
" no, a day after our date so I can get my things ready and we can bring them over to yours." I said back
"Ok see you tomorrow at 3:00pm" Beau said

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