Chpt. 9

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They ended up turning on a movie, Sean fell asleep laying in Mark's lap who fell asleep leaning against the couch Ethan fell asleep on

Nate curled up against the chair Felix was in, Matthias fell asleep sprawled out half under the coffee table and Matpat fell asleep laying on the ground in front of the tv stand.

It was around eight in the morning when Sean and Nate woke up, both from a nightmare.

Sean had tears in his eyes and Nate was breathing frantically, a hand covering the left side of his face.

"Y-You alright?" Sean whispered, getting off of Mark and crawling over to Nate.

Nate nodded shakily "Bad dream" he muttered "What time is it?" He looked to the window, seeing the sun already mostly up.

Sean shrugged, glad his hearing wasn't absolutely horrible right now "I don't have my phone, it's still at my apartment back in Ireland." He replied, wiping his eyes "Want some coffee?"

Nate nodded, the two stood quietly and headed for the kitchen.

Nate leaned against the counter and Sean began making the coffee "You want to talk about your dream?" Sean asked gently, pulling out a couple mugs

Nate hummed "Just.. a nightmare of what might have happened if Mat hadn't escaped" he muttered, crossing his arms and clearing his throat

Sean frowned "What's his name?" He asked, "Your dark side"

"Natemare, I said it earlier" Nate replied, rubbing under his eye remembering the makeup Natemare likes to wear

"My hearing wasnt the best, I probably didn't hear you" Sean hummed "Well, He sounds like a bit of a handful" He chuckled, pouring them both mugs of coffee. "Watcha want in yours?" He asked, letting his drink cool down a bit before he drank the dirty bean water

"Sugar? I guess" Nate shrugged "What's your ego like?"

Sean winced a bit and cleared his throat, grabbing the sugar "His name's Anti, he's insane. Slit his own throat in an attempt to kill me last Halloween and mainly just laughs like a maniac or tortures me in general" he said casually, shrugging and handing Nate his mug

[If only he had a water, I was gonna have them sip water casually every time they exposition all over the story XD]

"Rip" Nate chuckled quietly, taking a sip of his coffee

Sean hummed and gave a nod, taking a drink of his coffee as well.

Within about three minutes Felix walked in, yawning he got some coffee as well "Why are you two up so early?" He asked, voice quiet and tired

Sean looked to Nate, Felix wasn't being loud enough for him to hear but Nate, upon attempting to respond, didn't make any sound.

Sean snickered and looked back to Felix, tapping his ear. Felix hummed and spoke a bit louder "Why are you up so early?" He stirred his coffee and took a drink

"Oh" Sean hummed, taking a sip "I woke up and accidentally kicked Nate on my way to the kitchen" he lied "You know what time it is?"

Felix hummed, pulling his phone from his pocket "Eight thirty" he replied and putting his phone away

Nate was sipping his coffee quietly, Sean didn't say anything more so neither did Felix


Around nine the group was hanging out in the guest bedroom, Matpat wandered in tiredly after hearing them talking "Morning" he mumbled while standing in the doorway rubbing his eye

Nate waved hesitantly and Felix greeted him properly while Sean was shuffling a deck of cards and not paying attention

"Is anybody else awake?" Felix asked, watching Sean drop the entire deck of cards on the ground somehow causing both of them to laugh

"No, not that I saw" Matpat shrugged "Mind if I join you?"

Felix shook his head and Nate shrugged, Sean was now on the ground collecting the cards while Nate grinned, knowing he can't even laugh right now.

Matpat looked a bit unsettled by Nate and stood beside Felix who was leaning against the wall in front of the bed.

"What are you playing?" Matpat asked while Sean huffed and stood up, fixing the card deck and handing it to Nate.

"Go fish" Felix shrugged "We were gonna play Cards Against Humanity But we didn't want to end up waking everybody" he explained

Nate gave a thumbs up and dealt the four card hands and set the pile down on the bed, Sean took a hand, Felix took one, Nate already had his and then handed the last one to Matpat

Matpat took it hesitantly, keeping an eye on Nate, "Nate goes first" Sean said, arranging his cards.

Nate frowned and glared at Sean, thwacking him on the head with a notepad before writing down something and tossing the notepad to Felix. 'Got any eights?'

"Go fish," Felix replied, tossing the notepad back. Nate mimicked a groan and grabbed a card.

Sean looked through his hand and hummed, "Mat, got any twos?"

Matpat groaned and laughed, handing him a two

"Got any threes?" Sean inquired, setting the pair down on the bed

Matpat shook his head "Go Fish"

Sean grabbed a new card, Felix took his turn, then Matpat, etc

In two hours of playing random card games basically everybody was awake.

They'd moved back into the living room and were now watching supernatural because it's a good show.

Part way through episode like fourth they watched Mark suddenly got up and took Sean into the kitchen.

"Hey, are you alright?" Mark asked quietly, gently holding Sean's forearm

Sean shook his head "He's not.. being loud, just annoying" he gave a small smile to Mark "Why did you ask?"

"Because Dark was being a bit obnoxious as well, just wanted to make sure you didn't have another breakdown on your own" Mark let go of Sean's arm and ruffled his hair with a small smile.

Sean gave a thumbs up and yawned, "If they're acting up, the others probably are too, Should we make sure everybody is alright?"

Mark shrugged "Maybe if it gets worse, no need to pause the show to bring the mood down"

Sean nodded and then frowned, his hearing was starting to go out again.

Mark sighed, the blurry-ish vision he'd managed to get back was starting to fade again "Well that's lovely" they both muttered before laughing and heading back to the living room.

The show was paused and everybody was looking at them "Oooo, lovebirds are back" Felix teased

Mark rolled his eyes and laughed, he was holding Sean's hand so-

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