Chpt. 13 [1154]

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And they were both right and wrong.

Night came and went, Nate and Mat convinced Cry to let them lock themselves in the guest room, although it took way too much explaining.

In the morning Nate and Mat looked exhausted, Nate had bags under his eyes and Mat was extra clumsy.

Mat got up way after Nate, Nate had woken up around six, around the time Sean woke up, both from nightmares.

Nate came out to Sean trying to calm Ethan down, who seemed to be having a panic attack.

After a while Sean did calm him down and Ethan fell back asleep. Sean sighed and ran a hand through his fading green hair before getting up to go get some coffee.

He squeaked when he ran into Nate, stumbled and fell on his ass. Nate chuckled quietly and helped him up.

In the kitchen Sean took notice of Nate's bandages "What happened?" He asked, his voice tired.

Nate raised a brow but then hid his wrists "Uhm, it's nothing" he muttered, he really didn't want to talk about this.

Sean sighed and began brewing the coffee, he looked at Nate with an expression that read 'You think I don't know?'

Nate frowned and looked away "Self harm" he muttered

"What?!" Sean exclaimed, though in a whisper shout "Why-"

"They're old, it's not something I did recently. Me and Mat had rough childhoods, we went to the same school and it was hell. We both self harmed and tried to kill ourselves endless times." He explained, clearing his throat "Natemare and Madpat like to reopen the wounds when they get annoyed or bored, I've lived with it for forever, I don't know how long he's dealt with it"

Sean stood there quietly for a second, it definitely wasn't a comfortable silence "Jeez" he whispered "Do you- like do you need a hug?" He asked

Nate chuckled and gave a small smile to Sean. The Irish potato took that as a yes and gave Nate a hug before pouring two mugs of coffee.

When Sean handed Nate the mug he took it and blew lightly on the top while Sean took a sip of his right away.

Mat wandered in, rubbing his eyes and yawning "Hey" he mutters, he was wearing a black t-shirt that Cry gave him.

"Hey" Nate said quietly, looking towards Mat's stomach in concern "You alright?"

Sean looked between the two before awkwardly taking a step back.

Mat gave a thumbs up "Morning Jack" he muttered, opening the fridge. "How dare Cry not have any Diet Coke!" He exclaimed quietly, Sean and Nate snickered.

(I'm supposed to kill someone in this chapter.. it was Four votes Thirteen and three votes Fourteen)

Sean dropped his mug suddenly and stumbled back as it shattered loudly against the tile, putting his hand on his head "Fuck" he whispered.

Nate and Mat both jumped back in surprise, the sound of the mug shattering startling the pair. "What's wrong?" Nate asked quickly.

Sean didn't respond "Jack?" Mat called quietly

Sean giggles, it was glitchy and high pitched. Sean twitched and dropped his arms to his sides. Showing the black eyes, black goop was dripping from his right eye.

Nate and Mat looked surprised before Nate registered what was happening and ran over to grab the now alter ego, but he jumped over the island and into the living room.

There was a quiet shriek, Nate and Mat ran out to see 'Sean' carrying Ethan into the guest room.

Nate and Mat got into the room in time to see Ethan's dead body, whoever was controlling Sean's body had ripped out Ethan's eyes and teeth.

Somehow the ego had gotten a knife, he carved open a hole in Ethan's chest and managed to break his ribs with the back of the knife.

Reached in, looking at Nate and Mat with a maniacal grin he reached into Ethan's chest, sloshed around a bit and ripped out his heart.

It wasn't beating when he pulled it out and held it up. Dropping the heart with Ethan's eyes and teeth.

He then dropped the knife, his hands bloodied. Then he gave a wave, winked and knocked out.

Nate seemed to panic "Shit.." he whispered "Shit shit shit- I killed Matthias" he continued, the idea of Sean's ego taking control and murdering somebody seeming to solidify the idea Natemare did the same thing.

Nate couldn't breathe, Mat was in shock and the second he got out of it he was gagging. He just saw his friend get gruesomely ripped apart.

Mat quickly spun around and grabbed Nate, "Breathe" he said, "Go to the living room, breathe" he was doing his best to stay calm and get Sean out of the room so he didn't freak out realizing what he did.

{I just realized that Mat is so totally the father of this friend group and I'm okay with that}

Nate was shaking but nodded and ran into the living room, there was a quiet thud as he tripped and ended up sitting on the floor leaning against the couch, his knees pulled up to his chest.

Mat made his way into the guest room, trying not to look at the pieces of Ethan or his body itself, and picked Sean up.

He sure as hell wasn't strong enough to be doing this but he did it anyways, taking Sean into the living room he set him down in the chair Ethan was in and ran to the kitchen to grab a paper towel.

Wetting the paper towel he jogged back into the living room and began cleaning off Sean's hands, noticing his own shaking.

After finishing that he turned around to Nate and crouched down "Nate, breathe" he instructed

Nate shook his head, muttering that he can't before quietly gasping.

Mat took Nate's hand and set it on his chest "Follow my breathing, Nate, please" Mat continued, taking an exaggerated breath in

Nate followed, Mat helped to even out his breathing "You're alright" Mat said quietly

Nate shook his head "No- No! I'm not" he whispered "Natemare killed Matthias, I killed Matthias" tears welled up in his eyes

Mat pulled him into a hug "You're not the only one and you can't control Natemare. He is a different entity. You did not kill anybody" he reassured

Nate accepted the hug and silently cried into Mat's chest.

Mat looked up, seeing Cry was sitting on Felix's lap, the swede's arms wrapped around him. Cry blinked his eyes opened and looked over "What's-" he began and Mat gestured for him to be quiet

"Ethan's dead" he whispered, covering Nate's ears, he didn't need to set the younger off.

Cry's eyes widened "Jeez.." he muttered

It wasn't Long before everybody else was awake.

Mat didn't say anything to them, Cry told the first few who woke up.

Nate was still shaking slightly, sitting in the corner of the couch with Mat sitting next to him, shaking as well.

Neither of them could get that image out of their head

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