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(the wave mission)

-Naruto's POV:-

We were all in the Hokage's office getting another D-rank mission when Sakura interrupted "ugh I can't take any more of these D-ranks can we please get at least a C-rank?" she practically yelled to the Hokage. "Sakura! that is no way to treat your Hokage" Iruka who was right next to the Hokage exclaimed. "It's alright Iruka I understand where they're coming from but you guys are still Gennin and so you are required to do D-ranks....." I got bored so I tuned the old man out, and by the looks of it, my teammates did too. Sakura was talking to Sasuke about how cool I am and how I'm the best...I inwardly cringed at how many times she said Naruto-kun in one was 5 to be exact. Once he noticed none of us were listening, he coughed to get our attention.

We all look at him and he continued "Naru-Kun do you think they can handle going on a C-rank mission?" Sarutobi asked empathizing they. I thought for a moment before answering "yes, I do think they can handle it, as long as me and Kakashi are there" I say nodding my head. The others look at me confused 'why can't we handle it if naruto isn't there' they thought, The Sandeime nodded "ANBU bring in Tazuna" an ANBU stepped out of the shadows at opened the door to let Tazuna in. I smelled the air it stunk with alcohol "seriously a drunk, Jiji" I say sighing at the amused Hokage. Everyone looked at me like I grew a second head "what?" "How do you know he's a drunk, we haven't even seen him yet," Sasuke says glaring at me. I sigh "can't you smell the alcohol, he's practically drenched in it" just as I finished Tazuna or whatever his name is walked in. "These aren't ninja, they look like children how can they protect me? especially the blonde one,"

Kakashi's pov- 

"these aren't ninja, they look like children how can they protect me? especially the blonde one" Tazuna said swaying a little. To say Naruto was pissed was an understatement hell even the Hokage was pissed. They both glare daggers at him I'm pretty sure if looks could kill someone Tazuna would be a pile of skin and bones. Tazuna is oblivious to the glares Naruto and the Sandeime were giving him and turned around saying "meet me at the village gates in 3 hours" and walked off. Naruto jumped out the window, Sakura and Sasuke walked out the door like normal humans. I waited for everyone to leave before turning to the Hokage.

"What did Naruto mean by 'as long as ME and Kakashi are there'" I  asked, Sarutobi just shook his head "that's not my story to tell, ask him get out I have paperwork to finish" He says shooing me out. I sigh and jump out of the window and headed to my apartment. I open the door to my home and kick off my shoes while going to my room to pack. When I was done packing I decided to see Naruto 'I wonder what he's doing...probably packing' I think while jumping from roof to roof. I reach the small apartment and me being me...I just walk in much to my surprise everything in his home is spotless not even a spec of dust......he would make a great housewife....wait...WHAT THE FU- I shake my head to clear my thoughts I noticed that he wasn't in the living room or the kitchen 'must be in the bedroom' I walk to the only room and open the door....there Naruto was half-naked with only a towel around his waist. His hair was sloppy and wet, his body was covered with droplets of water. I look a little more down and notice his 8-pack abbs that could literally cut cheese....I'm not joking. I realize I was staring and looked back up to see a...tomatoe? "K-Kakashi w-what are you d-doing here" Naruto studdered out "I-uh....I honestly don't know" I said scratching my masked cheek in embarrassment.

Naruto's pov-  

Kakashi was staring at my chest and my torso, after a while I spoke breaking the silence "K-Kakashi w-what are you d-doing here". He snapped back into reality and looked me in the eyes "I-uh....I honestly don't know" He said scratching his cheek.' That was......ADORABLE! he's so embarrassed it's so cute' "I know it's cuter than when you rub your neck in embarrassment,"  Kurama said chuckling at Naruto's flushed face. "um....Ok? well, I'm gonna change now" I said turning around to get my clothes. I noticed that Kakashi didn't move from his spot or turn around "um Kakashi" "Yes Naruto" "what are you doing?" "what do you mean?" I sigh and turn around fully and face him "why are you still in the room, more importantly, facing me, " I ask curiosity pricking at my skin "why? do I have to?" He asks "well I guess I can't make you-.....wait....wHaT thE FUck," I say getting a small nose bleed thinking about that scenario. "what? did I say something wrong?" Kakashi asked half smirking "just get out," I say pushing him out the door.

Kakashi pouts as I push him out the door "Okay now stay" I say pointing at him like I'm talking to a dog "hey I'm not some dog!" he shouts. I look at him like he said the stupidest thing in the world "what's your summon?" "dogs..." "what's your ANBU name?" "Dog..." "what's your Favorite animal?" "you" "wha- I uh um just shut up!" I say crossing my arms and walking into my room shutting my door much to Kakashi's displeasure. I finish changing and open my door only to have Kakashi fall on the floor "uhhhhh I can explain" He said looking up at me from the floor "you have five seconds" I say in a demonic voice " I was um I uh....was leaning on the door? yeah that's it" he said more like asked "not good enough" I say "Have mercy!" Kakashi pleaded I punch him as hard as I can and he went flying through my wall and across the village to the Hokage tower, Kakashi broke the window hitting the wall in the Hokages office. 

"ow" "um Kakashi? what hell happened? I haven't seen a punch like that since....well since I last saw Tsunade" Sarutobi said Seconds after I burst through the same window. My face was dark and I had a demonic expression." ah I understand now....Kakashi what did you do?" He asks the male that's on the floor....again "I don't know.." He responded, "oh I'll tell you what you did!" I yell raising a fist 'there like a bickering couple' Sarutobi thought while smirking "ok you love birds stop fighting" He says letting out a puff of smoke from his mouth. 

It was dead silent for the likes of Sarutobi "run" Kakashi says and at that moment I launch at The Hokage and punch him the same way I did Kakashi "Bye Jiji~" I say smiling "let's go Kakashi" and with that, we left

To Be Continued

I updated it for once.....well see you next weekend! Have a good Day/Night!- Alysa


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