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hi guys!

this is just something i was playing around with and ill post the rest of the package if i get a good feedback/ respose or... you know.

hope you like it!!

keep cool,




Anger is like a poison running through your veins

One word from another person will make you insane

You don’t want to talk. You don’t want to listen

The most annoying thing is, no one understands

Not like you do, when your anger lands.

The hatred and confusion continues to seep in

But you have no idea what’s happening

And when it’s all over you feel glad

But those around you don’t; they are still mad

And so the cycle of anger continues to shift

There is always your turn; the one you can’t miss

And if a person controls their emotions through thick and thin

What’s the point? It’ll still fade in

It’s always in the air watching, waiting for your turn to come

But no one ever knows where it’s from...

THE SEVEN DEADLY SINSWhere stories live. Discover now