Chapter 7

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"Anali, what the Hell are you doing?", I said as Anali pulled me towards her table. I was grateful because I had nowhere else to sit, but at the same time, I was confused. We're not friends, why would she bring me to her table? Has she noticed that I sit alone? Is she taking pity on me? Is she going to finish her burger?

"Artemis, what job did you get? I started in the kitchens when I first got here, is that what you got?", Anali asked, pulling me to her table, then down to the bench, forcing me to sit.

"I didn't really get a job... I have more pitfalls than skills, I guess. She said that she's going to ask Charlie if I can be a tutor, and if he says no, I'm going to work in the kitchens.", I said, before devouring my steak and potatoes. I don't think Anali's redheaded friend quite approved of my unappealing display of savagery.

"I assume you're the wolf?", said the redhead, rolling her eyes, as if I was a misbehaving child.

I was going to make a comment about creaky bedsprings and thin walls when I was interrupted by a loud commotion behind me. I turned around to see a mob of people, and nothing really scream-worthy. Until I saw them. The person with a dagger.

I thought this place was supposed to be safe.

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