Chapter 1

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"...And now Gracie and Candy's best friend Riley is gonna speak. If she'd come up." The preacher said. I stood up and walked in between Candy and Gracie's coffins.
"First. I want to say that Candy and Gracie were more than just best friends to me. They were sisters to me. And I caused them to die! Gracie and I dated, but I dumped her because I liked someone else! I watched her hang herself! I watched Candy kill herself! I'm sorry! I already have my own death planned out. I can't stay. I gotta go. I did this. It's my fault!" I cried out in sorrow, anguish, and pain, running out of the funeral home. I ran down the sidewalk until I collapsed in a heap of heartbroken sobs. I heard a vehicle stop and a door open.
"Andy! Get her and come on! I think I know who she is!" Someone said. The next I knew, I was pulled into someone's arms. I was set down in the back of a van. Three men were looking at me.
"You're Riley Love?" A man in a fedora asked.
"Yes...why am I in a van with you guys??" I sniffed, a little scared.
"It's not the time for questions Riley. Did you run out of the funeral home?" The man asked. I nodded, tearing up.
"Gracie and Candy's caskets were in there, correct?" Another man asked. I nodded, starting to cry.
"Aww. Hey Riley it's okay." A third man said, pulling me close. I started to sob again, holding myself like I usually do.
"Riley...we have good news and bad news. Which first?" The man in the fedora asked.
"G-Good.." I sniffed.
"Gracie and Candy aren't dead." The man said. My eyes went wide and my jaw dropped.
"Th-They're alive?! That's impossible!!!" I said.
"Well, the bad news is they've been forcefully recruited into the girl gang that silences music. We need your help." The man said.
"I'll help, but can you introduce yourselves?" I said.
"Oh! Patrick why didn't you think of it?! Sorry for the informalities Riley. I'm Andy Hurley, that's Patrick Stump, the one beside Patrick is Joe Trohman, and the one driving is Pete Wentz." Andy said. Suddenly, it clicked.
"You''re Fall Out Boy." I gasped.
"The one and only!" They grinned.
"I sang your song Centuries in the talent show. I dedicated it to Candy and Gracie..." I said.
"We know. It was awfully sweet. They knew it too. They were outside the cafeteria while you were singing it. We've been ordered to kill every girl like that we see, but our boss made an exception for Gracie and Candy, seeing as you three call us your idols." Joe said. I blushed in embarrassment.
"We still do call you our least I do..." I said softly. Andy stroked my hair.
"It's's not your fault...they made you think they killed themselves..." Andy said. I cried softly, remembering the knife-like pain that ripped through my heart when I saw it. The van stopped, and Andy picked me up and carried me inside, trying to soothe me. I calmed a little, soothed by being held by Andy for some reason.
"We'll be right back...we've got a few phone calls to make okay?" Andy said softly. I nodded, laying on the couch.
"The bathroom is just down the hall okay?" Andy said, walking into a separate room with the others. I got up and walked to the bathroom, pulling my blade out of my pocket. I shut and locked the bathroom door, my arm over the sink. I didn't care if they were alive..I was gonna die. I put the ice-cold blade to my fiery hot skin and drug it slowly, deep red blood running from the cut. As I hit the major artery, blood started squirting and gushing from my cut. I finished it and shakily smiled, but it wasn't long before the doorknob jiggled. I couldn't do anything, and just as the door opened, my vein gave one last long squirt and Andy's blood-stained face was the last thing I saw before I blacked out.

The Fallen: A Fall Out Boy FanficWhere stories live. Discover now