Chapter 2: Meet Atlas and Lightning Plasma

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As the Bathysphere raised to what seemed to Lilly the surface, it stopped but never opened.

Lights flickered like in a B horror movie she tried to see beyond it but it was too dark. Then she heard some people talking and looked once again to her left to find a type recorder looking machine called an auto log "Go out and see if you can't open it!" came an Irish accent.

Lilly looked back out of the round glass door and saw a man backing up his hands up in the air. He seemed to be begging to someone. The lights flickered and a woman holding two hooks in each hand was prowling towered the begging man, she then heard the man speak.

" you don't have to do this...please..." The lights flickered once more and the woman with the hooks drives them up through the man's stomach and out through his throat.

Lilly gasped as the woman splits the man open and tosses his remains into the pool of water.

Blood splattered the window of the sub, Lilly puts her hands to her mouth trying to keep from throwing up from the scene that took place.

The woman seamed to stop and sniff the air "Is it someone new?" She asks no one in particular before letting out a blood curtailing scream and jumped onto the Bathysphere.

It seemed like forever until the woman went away, in all that time Lilly seemed to have her eyes closed hoping she just passed out and this was some crazy dream.

That's when the person on the other end of the auto log got her attention "Hey, hey you, look I know you're scared right now but I need you to take a deep breath and step out of the sphere my name is Atlas and I mean to help you."

She looked at it like in shock she grabbed it "Are you insane!? That woman killed that man! I'm not going out there!"

At first there was static "If you want to get home then you have to step out I'll help you every step of the way, now would you kindly step out of the sphere." Something seamed to click as the glass door swung open and Lilly seemed to step out of her safety zone without thinking. As she did so Lilly heard old gears grind as shutters rolled up and windows appeared showing her the city and ocean.

Her mouth seemed to drop as a humpback whale swam by the large windows, she saw a school of fish swim the other way she giggled seaming to forget the threat for a moment.

Lilly looked around seeing suitcases and signs littering the floor, she wondered what happened to the people but then shook herself not wanting to know.

Lilly saw a messenger bag by a garbage can,  she grabbed it seaming to think she may need it in the coming future. She looked around before ascending a pair of stairs, her heart started beating when she heard the woman talking to herself as she tossed things all around. There was a spot light pointed right at said woman and Lilly gasped. The woman wasn't a woman not any more at least, her face was all deformed! Her upper lip was missing, and she had hair missing in certain spots.

Her heart rate hammers in her chest as a television of sorts exploded from nearby, she jumps griping the auto log in her hand tighter her whole body shaking.

Lilly slowly walked to a broken column that was between her and the deformed woman.

"Just a little more," Lilly stopped as Atlas yells "How do you like that sister?!"

A machine that looks like a mini helicopter flew towered the woman wheering then loud beeps emitted from it, it began shooting at the woman a mile a minute, a mini turret on the bottom of this machine shooting the deformed woman dead.

"Splicers sealed Johnny in before they...god damn splicers!" Atlas yelled as she jumped over the broken down column.

Looking around Lilly spotted a wrench under an over turned tool chest, grabbing it she swung it heavy in her hands she nodded happy it would defend her. She slips the auto log inside her messenger bag making sure her life line was safe before turning she notices rubble in, around, and under a door.

She starts tossing things out of the way and kicks the rest out from under the door, Lilly looks around before crawling through the hole she created for herself. As she does  she hears something tumbling down the stairs in front of her. Looking up she saw a burning couch tumbling down after her.

"Holy Shit!" she yells.

Scrambling back through the hole she breaths heavy her eyes wide with fear seeing the still burning couch beside her hole. Lilly realized right then and there that she may die if she doesn't get out of this city. Sucking in the fear and her breath she crawls through taking care not to burn herself. Shaking she grips her wrench tightly in hand as she slowly climbs the steps.

As she got closer to the top of the steps she heard a male splicer as Atlas called them yelling "I had her, I had that bitch!" The splicer came running around the corner  as he waved around a pipe. 

She stumbled away and wacked him with the wrench bashing his head in. Turning away she violently threw up, coughing up whatever she had for breakfast. Wiping her mouth she turned back to the body she searched through the splicer's pockets. As she did she found a medical kit and a syringe full of blue liquid labeled EVE, she put them securely in her bag. Lilly then looked around the room chairs and tables strewn every which way, garbage cans laying on the floor.

She walked to a table seeing a bag of chips and a candy bar grabbing the items she to puts them in her bag, searching around she found coins in suite cases but nothing more.

Looking around she sees a door the lever beside it broken and a pair of stairs and she hears a little girl's voice "Think you're stronger then my daddy? Not unless you visit the Gathers Garden you aren't!"

As Lilly trudged up the stairs wrench in hand she sees a picture of a father holding his daughter above them was an advertisement saying "choose your plasmid."

Lilly looked around before she kept going "plasmid the hell is a plasmid?" she mutters to herself.

She stops at the top seeing a balcony to her left looking over the room and to her right was two large porcelain girls on either side of what looked like a vending machine, on top of the machine reads "Gathers Garden" and different symbols for what she assumed was different plasmids. Looking at the slot she sees a jar and a hypodermic needle putting the wrench in her bag she grabs the auto log.

"Umm...Atlas? I'm standing in front of a Gathers Garden what am I supposed to do there's a jar full of red liquid and a needle. Is it safe to use?" She eyes it. 

At first there was static then Atlas answered "yes it's safe it's called a plasmid. For every plasmid you get a certain let's say "power" like lighting or fire just take the syringe fill it with the plasmid and inject it into your arm."

Gulping down her fear of needles she asks into the auto log "is this necessary?" once again his replay was "yes trust me you're going to be experiencing far more worse and bigger things then just Splicers." She nods and sticks the auto log into the bag once more.

Grabbing the needle and bottle she sticks the needle into the top of the jar, taking the handle of the needle she pulls the plasmid from the jar. Putting the jar down she pushes her right sleeve of her purple hoodie up her arm. Taking a deep breath she jabs the needle into her arm and pushes the plunger. 

As quick as lighting pain sprung forth all over her body, looking down at her hands lighting seamed to crackle up and down her arms and hands. Screaming out in agonizing pain she stumbles towered the balcony, her head felt like it was splitting in two.

"Just hold on your genetic code is being rewritten!" Atlas yelled from somewhere far off.

Lilly looks down over the balcony seaming to want to end the torturous pain, she pushes off the rail and falls to the floor blacking out.

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