Chapter 3: Big Daddy and Little Sister

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Floating in and out of consousness Lilly she see's two men, no Splicers approach her prone body.

One Splicer in a yelling swetter kneels down in front of her, he uses his pip for support.

"This little fish looks like she just got her cherry POPPED...wonder if she's got some Adam on her?" The kneel Splicer wonders.

Her vision fades before coming back she hears what sounds to be like a whale, she wondered if it was the ocean life outside.

The Splicers buddy looks up "You hear that? Let's bug!" he says sounding spooked by said whale like noise.

"That's weird," she thinks dreamily "why would they be scared of a whale?"

"Weak! You're a weak chopper!" The first Splicer says, Lilly was curious but she was just so tired she wondered if the whale really had them scared.

"This little fish ain't worth toeing it with no Big Daddy!" The second Splicer says.

She wondered what they were talking about, they sounded even more psychotic.

"Yellow! Always have been! You'll be no better off with the metal daddy, little fish. See you floating in the briny..." The first Splicer says as he bends down to look at her before running off with his friend.

What were they talking about? Metal Daddy? Big Daddy? What were they talking about? Was that what they called the whale? While she thought this as she floated in and out of consciousness, she see's a metal boot then this thing. A Person in an old diving suit comes into her swimming vision, it looked like it had many port holes to look out of. That's odd for a 1940's style diving suit, why would someone wear that?

Then she noticed the ports were all glowing a soft yellow, then a drill came way beside it. She wandered if it used it as a weapon. She wanted to be scared, Lilly really wanted to get up and run but she felt still so tired. Her vision gives way for a short second until she see' that a child? A sickly little girl in front it looked she was carrying a gun like syringe in her tiny hand, she also had the same glowing yellow eyes.

"Look Mr. Bubbles, its an angel! I can see light coming from her belly..." her voice didn't sound anything like a child's it was to distorted.

The little girl looks back at Lilly "Wait a minute, she's still breathing. It's alright, I know she'll be an angel soon." the little girl waves the metal man to fallow her.

Did that little girl really think she was going to die that easily...probably Lilly hoped for the same thing. She hoped that none of this was actually real.

It was a little time later when Lilly woke up, she shook her head surprised she wasn't dead from how far she fell. Feeling better like she just took a nap, she wondered if she dreamed that little girl and monster man. Lilly looks down at her hands and finds them shaking with electricity, her fingers sparked and twitched like she was on crack or something.

"You alright there girl? First time plasmid's a real kick from a mule, but...there's nothing like a fistful of lightning, now, is there?" Atlas asks.

Lilly smirks "You can say that again."

Looking at a broken switch by a door in front of her, she walks over to it stretching her pointer finger out a bolt of lightning shoots to the switch. The door opens showing a glass hall that showed more of the ocean and city. She walked into the hallway gripping the strap of her messenger bag.

Looking out at the city she could see some ads for different places, she looked up and to her surprise a peace of a half broken boat smashes through the glass ceiling.

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