Chapter 1

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"What. The. FUCK?!"

At Gavin Reed's desk stood a dark-haired android. It looked like Connor, except it was taller by a few inches, had icy blue eyes, a sharper jaw and cheekbones, more intimidating gaze, and wore a pearl white Cyberlife uniform. Connor had stopped wearing his a couple of weeks ago, instead opting for a simple shirt and tie. This android was also broader, his height and size perhaps used as intimidation.

"Good Morning, Detective Reed. My name is Conan." It even sounded similar to Connor, except slightly deeper. "I was sent by Cyberlife at the request of Elijah Kamski."

Gavin scowls, "Of course you phckin' were... look, go tell that phckin' prick that I don't need no plastic babysitter." 

"I must apologise, sir. I cannot do that. My orders are to work with you as your partner-"

"NO PHCKIN' WAY AM I HAVING A PIECE OF PLASTIC SHIT LIKE YOU AS MY PARTNER!" Officers from all around the precinct looked over at the outburst, watching as Gavin marched up to Fowler's office and begin screaming and yelling at his superior.

Conan stood where he was, LED spinning red briefly before going yellow as he processed what just happened. He had been prewarned that Detective Reed could be unpleasant at the best of times but this aggression seemed unnecessary and ...not fair.

Software Instability ^

Conan only had mere moments to think about the sudden spike in instability before Reed came stomping back over from the captain's office. The smaller man had a constant scowl as he fell into his chair, putting his feet up on his desk and going on his phone. Conan didn't have to scan him to know the Detective was sulking.

The android stood there for a moment, LED resuming it's blue colour, before sitting at the empty desk opposite Reed. "Detective, I suggest we get to work before-" Gavin had cut him off again.

"Want to be useful? Get me a coffee, dipshit." 

Conan's LED spun yellow, "...I am not your servant, Detective."

"You're a robot, you do as you're told. Now get a phckin' move on!"

Conan squinted at the Detective, "I. Am. Not. Your. Servant." The android snarls, revealing his inhumanly sharp and long canine teeth. 

Software Instability ^

Gavin slams his phone down as he gets up, moving over to Conan and lifting the android up by the collar of his jacket. "DO AS YOU'RE PHCKIN' TOLD OR YOU'LL END UP IN THE SCRAPYARD, YA HEAR ME TINMAN?" He was yelling and screaming at Conan again. 

It's not fair.

Software Instability ^^^

LED blinking red, Conan grabs Gavin's collar and turns the situation around. Slamming the smaller man into the wall, the android pinned him against it. Icy eyes blazing with anger as they stare deep into the grey.

"I am not your servant, I am not just a piece of trash you can kick around, Gavin." Conan hisses through his clenched teeth. Sharp ice eyes spotting a snarky reply forming on Reed's lips, so Conan punched him. The android draws his fist back for another punch.

Stop. Do not hurt him.

Conan freezes, LED blinking red. Something in his code had ordered him to stop. Confused, he begins to sift through to try and find exactly what had sent that order-

Or he was until Connor had pulled him away from Gavin. The detective slide to the floor and into the care of Officer Chen as Connor guided his younger brother away. "What the hell, Conan?! I get that he's a total ass, but you didn't need to do that!" 

Conan stays silent, LED still blinking red. Connor frowns and grabs his brother by his shoulders. "Conan? What's wrong?"

"...Something in my code... it feels conflicting."

"What do you mean?"

"I... punched Gavin because he was yelling at me... but then I couldn't punch him again. Something ordered me to not to."

"Something in your code?"

"Yes... in my code. 

The shorter android looks at Conan with a concerned expression. "That's... worrisome. Will you be okay?"

"Yes. I will be fine, Connor. Thank you for your concern. I should apologise to Reed and resume work."

Connor gives him a thin smile and a pat on the shoulder, "If you're sure. I need to get back to work as well. Call out if you need help with anything."

"Of course. Thank you again, Connor." The two androids went their separate ways. Conan sat back down at the desk opposite Reed's and begun looking for a case to work on while the detective was still receiving treatment for a possible broken nose.

Conan found his thoughts wandering back to the strange order. It could be the piece of code that prevented androids from purposely injuring or killing their masters? No, it felt much more specific than that.

A piece of code specific to Gavin Reed.


Was that why Kamski sent him here? Why Kamski insisted Fowler assign him to Reed as his partner? To prevent Reed from getting hurt? What does Elijah Kamski have to do with Gavin Reed anyway?

All these questions swimming around him, Conan never noticed Gavin returning to his desk.

Beaten, Bloodied, Bruised (Reed900) - rewritten on AO3Where stories live. Discover now