↳The Complications of Writing Wattpad Fanfiction

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Writing Wattpad fan-fiction is an easy thing

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Writing Wattpad fan-fiction is an easy thing. Getting people to actually read your fan-fiction, not so easy. Why is this though? Why has the ratio between readers and writers become such a broad spectrum? Simple:


Four-years ago, the opportunities available to writers were much larger and the chances of a smaller writer reaching a larger audience was much more direct. The reason this has changed is the establishment of three major things: Wattpad publishings, movies, and Anna Todd.

More people simply come to Wattpad in hopes of getting published and having their story turn into a blockbuster movie. People have been inspired by the After franchise and seek to have the same experience. And before Directioners debate this, lets be honest— when it was announced Anna Todd was getting signed to a movie deal, Wattpad became flooded.

Also, please don't misunderstand me. I'm not saying Anna Todd is the reason your story doesn't get reads. Not even close. But what I am trying to say is after the reign of Anna Todd, online writers have become a lot more recognized. People who enjoy writing now desire to give digital writing platforms a go. Basically to see where their efforts will take them. It's a great thing. An amazing thing really. But sometimes, the best writers get buried amongst the sudden wicks of inspiration. The kind of wicks that burn out after the first chapter is written. Which I am guilty of. On multiple occasions.

How can we make Wattpad better?

The best method I have found to be effective in making Wattpad a better experience is to avoid the hot-list. The hot-list is dangerous. And for those who may not exactly know what the hot-list is, let me explain: it's basically the "trends" of fanfiction stories. The ones with the most reads, comments, ECT. And here's why there are worth avoiding:

Just to make sure, our topic is reads here, right? We're all looking at the same big picture. I hope. But how many of us has actually had a successful encounter with a writer who has a lot of reads? Anyone?

I'll go first.

I haven't. Ever.

Unless there was something in it for them.

There is a lot of sucessful writers who simply ignore those who have less than 10k on their stories. Those are the ones who let their success get to their head. And believe it or not, the head-count for those are low. But there's also some who genuinely misplace comments. They simply look over them becuse there's too many to give attention to. Which is why you need to approach those who seek and have the same goals as you. Small authors are key. If you want to gain reads and longtime readers, go for the underdogs. Comment on their stories. Engage with them and I promise, they will take their time on you. Small accounts appreciate it more when you take an interest in their writings. And they'll return the favor.

So maybe, when your looking for something new to read, go for that story that doesn't have a lot of love. Trust me when I say there is incredible stories below the tiered ones. Let's try to generalize Wattpad once again. Look for the gold underneath the rubble. It's there. Promise.

And to live what I preach: here is a list of small authors I believe deserve love.













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