↳MEET THE AUTHOR: sparklingjin

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Meet the Author

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Meet the Author


—User sparklingjin (alas known as Milan) is the genius writer behind the ongoing BTS series Tear The Sky. The story accumulates over 159,000 reads, 11, 355 votes and has 62 total chapters including a prologue and an epilogue.

Tear the Sky or TTS is a NOVELLA about a young girl named Grey who resides in a small apartment in Seoul, South Korea. After losing both her parents, Grey relies on mainly two things: her best friend and ambition. When jogging through a park in the city, Grey stumbles upon a mysterious cat...and a very large black bear. After following said cat into a lake to retrieve the comfort of safety, Grey finds herself diving into an alternate universe. There she will meet all things holy and unholy; evil and good. She will face, not only her fears, but the deepest crevices of her heart. She will sacrifice mind, spirit, and comfort to save the humanity of seven fallen angels—one particular angel stealing her heart. It's a fight against darkness and an impactful tale of empowerment and heroine-ism.

Interviewing Milan

Q1: Starting questions off simple, how old are you and where are you from?

I am 20 years old and originally from California, USA

Q2: How long have you been writing and what inspires you to write? (Broadly speaking, not just here on Wattpad)

I started writing when I was 13 because I loved reading so much and I wanted so badly to give others the feeling of getting lost in something. I wanted to make them feel things and wish and dream. I didn't actually take writing seriously until Tear the Sky in 2018. It was the story I told myself to get serious about and I wanted to give it my best shot to see what I could do. My inspiration comes from an abundance of young adult novels (Ask me for some and I'll proudly recommend my fave titles), anime, movies and music. Basically anything that takes my mind to another place.

Q3: Where did you get the idea for TTS and what inspired your story?

TTS came from my desire to write about a dark, troubled city that had Bangtan at the center of it. They were to be the darkest beings of all. Most of the inspiration came from the Fake Love music video. I loved the angst, the passion, the concept. The boys' looks and attitudes really drove the tone I wanted to set. The inspiration for it came from a folder I made on Pinterest for the story, take-aways from my favorite shows/books/movies, and Grey. I wanted to make a strong, realistic female heroine. I wanted to see a girl that would be given high stakes, challenges, and resistance. And I wanted her to become her own before she became anyone else's.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 30, 2022 ⏰

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