(Source: https://www.healthline.com/health/mental-health/high-functioning-sociopath#symptoms)
- Superior intelligence.
Those who are high functioning are often incredibly smart, with very high IQs which can help them read, manipulate, and control scenarios.- Lack of empathy.
People with ASPD don't comprehend other people's emotions. Therefore, they don't appreciate or anticipate the consequences of their actions.-Calculating behaviors. People with this type of sociopathy are driven and determined. A strong self-love (narcissism) and sense of grandiosity may be their catalyst.
-Secretive tendencies.
High-functioning individuals may keep everything close to the vest. They rarely reveal private information or thoughts unless it's to manipulate another person.-Charm.
Despite generally not enjoying being around people, a high-functioning person displays impeccable social skills.-Sensitivity.
People with high-functioning ASPD can be defensive. They may be quick to anger when they perceive they don't have someone's approval. That's because they often feed off admiration from others.-Addictive behaviours.
It's not uncommon for a person with a high-functioning personality disorder to experience addiction. Compulsive behaviors and reactions can lead to issues with gambling, sex, alcohol, and drugs.________________________________________________________
These traits are not the same for every sociopath, but will give you a general idea. Imagine it as a sound mixer. Some levers are turned up completely, others only half or less.
Some sociopaths are even capable of forming attachments to an individual or a group.
My knowledge to this topic comes from thorough research, talking with experts and from personal experience.

The End Of May
Fanfic1 in 25 people is a sociopath. That is about 4 percent of the population. According to statistics 3 percent of those are male. One percent is female. All rights reserved. ©satanwithjournals