Chapter 5

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*Pari Pov*

Today is about to be my third day in the office if the first day is not taken into account. And by the third day, I just became a coffee maker too along with P.A.

I know I shouldn't have accepted it, but the offer is too nice, so I just took it. Now I am sitting on my chair looking at the new coffee stall.

Soon everyone arrived along with Maam. Everyone is watching it confused except Maam, who is giving me a knowing look and smiling at me.

After five minutes, they turned towards me with more confusion after reading the name on the board. As for me, I am just sitting down grinning like an idiot.

Maam cleared her throat and said, "As you can see this is a new change in this floor, and you all can use it at any time of course mostly during office hours. And Pari is about to make it for Mr.Stone and me. Enjoy the facility."

"Thank you, Maam. " Everyone replied.

However, she turned towards me and said, "Say that to Pari here because of whom this is organized by Mr.Stone."

After she left, all the girls came near me raising their eyebrows. So I informed them of everything that happened yesterday.

As usual, all have big smiles on their faces, but Rani said, "Don't you think it's unfair for you to even make some coffee for them. I mean you are his P.A, not a coffee maker."

"I know guys, but, now you all can enjoy this and drink at any time of the day. It saves money and also we can relax even in the middle of the day with few breaks. And as for Mr.Stone, I will take good care of him. " I said, grinning.

They all high-five me and returned to their places after making their own coffee. As I looked at the watch, I know that he is about to be here in five minutes, so I too prepared for me along with them.

While I was taking one for Maam, I got comments from the girls that it smells is good. I just smiled at them and gave Maam, her one and returned to my desk.

Exactly after five minutes he reached the floor and glanced once at the coffee stall and immediately looked at me. Like yesterday, he ignored all the staff's greetings.

When he reached me, he said, "Bring my coffee to my cabin. "After seeing it on my table.

I got up immediately and stopped him from entering his cabin by saying, "Mr.Stone! Good Morning! And here is your coffee."

He turned towards me and reached near me and extended his hand for it. Everyone just stopped doing their work and looked at us.

I shifted the cup towards me and said, "Good morning, Mr.Stone!"

He narrowed his eyes and said, "Hand it over to me."

"Good morning, Mr.Stone! " I repeated.

He shook his head, irritated, and said, "Good Morning, Ms.Pari! Now, can I have my coffee?"

I nodded and gave him his cup. He glared last time at me and entered the cabin.

I looked towards my colleagues and saw that they are now looking with their mouths open.

I got some mute claps from the girls, and I bowed to them a little and sat in my chair. Suddenly, we heard a door opening and saw that Maam came out of her cabin, and she too gave me a small clap and returned to her cabin.

We all stared at each other and started thinking, how the hell did she know about that?

Maybe Mr.Stone told her. Great!

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