Chapter 17

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*Pari Pov*

The next day I am currently sitting in my chair waiting for everyone to come. A few minutes later, everyone reached the office one after the other.

Finally, Mr.Akash too reached and went inside his cabin nodding to our greetings. I got up and went inside and saw him already on the phone.

So I placed the coffee on his table and returned to my seat. Before the lunch break, I went inside his cabin to inform him about a meeting.

"Mr.Akash, there is a meeting scheduled after the lunch break." I said.

"Ok. I have to tell you something." He said.

"Sure." I said.

He opened his mouth to say something but got cut off by his mobile ring. He lifted it immediately and talked to whomever in a whisper.

After putting it down, he said, "I need to go outside. And don't send me any food today. And also cancel the meeting." And left the cabin in a rush.

What happened to him? Is this what he wanted to tell me?

Such a weirdo! I thought, shaking my head, and left to go into the canteen.

I have to go through another teasing session with my friends like every day at the canteen. After that, we all went toward our desks and continued doing our work.

Exactly after two hours he reached the floor and looked like hell. So stressed and everything. We all observed it. He calmly went inside his cabin.

I couldn't help it and entered his cabin and saw him rubbing his temple.

"Are you ok, Mr.Akash? Is there something wrong?" I asked him.

"It's nothing." He replied. I can clearly see that he is lying.

So I said, "Mr.Akash, just tell me the problem. We will think of some solution."

"Don't you get it? I don't want to talk to anyone. Just go and do your work properly first. Don't meddle in other's business. Understand!" he shouted in such a high tone that I am sure everyone must have heard it.

I nodded and left his cabin and saw four faces with anger. I shrugged telling them in a way that it's ok and sat on my chair.

In the evening, I left calmly without informing him.

The next few days were the same. He just gets irritated by small things with everyone. The closeness I got with him is lost somewhere else.

Every day is so hard for me to continue. Today I got a big surprise seeing a little table between Rani and mine.

Not only I, everyone got surprised with it but no one dared to ask Mr.Akash. We couldn't ask Maam because she too got shocked by seeing it.

He didn't even inform us when he arrived and went inside his cabin. We all continued to do our work.

After sometime, Rani said, "Pari, someone dared to separate us."

"Yeah! And who is that culprit?" I asked her pushing away my fake tears.

"Your Mr.Akash must know that person." She replied.

I glared at her and said, "He is not mine."

"Anyway, we got separated." She said dramatically.

"Such a drama queens." Came the statement from Imran.

"You guys are just jealous because you can't act like us." Rani said.

We all laughed and again continued to do our work. We all I mean along with me tried our best to hide from Mr.Akash when he is having his shouting mood.

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