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Morning came, the two are eating peacefully at the dining room until a servant hurriedly approaches the royal highness "Your royal Highness" Mina looks to the servant who is panting besides Chaeyoung, she also saw that the servant whispers to Chaeyoung.

"Your highness" the servant leans to whisper in Chaeyoung's ear "your surprise for your wife is here" Chaeyoung widens her eyes and she looks to Mina. She acted like there something wrong.

"What's happening?" Mina was about to stand up but the servant stops her "My queen, I'm sorry but you should stay here. I promise there is no big deal that is happening. Just let your wife do it, just eat your breakfast, your highness"

Mina became worried "Are you sure about this?" the servant nods "Yeah it's no big deal"

Chaeyoung came and she whispers into the servant's ear "We need to surprise her now, I'm gonna wait in front of my throne make sure she doesn't she anything okay?" The servant nods

"Mina I'm sorry but there's something that is urgent" Chaeyoung walks away and she winks to the servant "Chaeyoung! Are you sure that you are okay?"

Chaeyoung sits on her throne while waiting to Mina "Ah why they take so long" when she heard that Mina is scared of what's happening Chaeyoung fixes herself and she sits like a king.

The servant removes the blindfold and Mina is very curious about what's happening.

"What? What is happening? Chaeyoung??!!"

"Release the gift!"

There are 4 servants who are balancing the painting

"What is that Chaeyoung??"

She stood up and she explains herself.

You know before I met you there are thing that I really wanted to do like painting and drawing some stuff and then I draw a portrait that just comes to my mind, until my sister tell it to me that this painting looks like you" She looks to the painting "Please remove the cloth" Chaeyoung ordered. When the cloth removes Mina saw how beautiful it is "You... You really did this?!" Chaeyoung proudly nods and she steps down "It's all yours now"

"Thank you Chaeyoung" She hugs the younger one "I really can't believe Chaeyoung" Chaeyoung just laughs.

While Chaeyoung and Mina appreciating her work a servant came to her with a red envelope on his hand, she gave it to Chaeyoung.

"Your highness, a red envelope found in front of our palace. It is addressed to you"

When Mina heard that she looks to them, Chaeyoung opens it and it is a letter from Tzuyu.

"Son Chaeyoung,

When you read this I am probably dead. What does it feel like to control the 4 Realms and A kingdom? You don't have any heart, you kill your own sister for the sake of love and power, did you even think of that? Of course not you always think of that girl that servant girl.

You are the fall of Kingdom of Catnedwil and you will never deserve in that position, Chaeyoung.

Chou Tzuyu

2nd Highness of Onux"

Chaeyoung crumpled the paper and she threw it, Mina saw that Chaeyoung is getting mad that's why she approaches her "What's the matter?"



"No of course not I killed her"

"Then what was that?"

"She gave me a letter, she said that I am the downfall of Catnedwil"

Mina cups Chaeyoung's cheeks "No you are the strength of Catnedwil and it will never happen okay?"

"What if she is alive?"

"You kill her and it's impossible, you saw that her blood is dripping down right?"

"Yeah I saw it, my head hurts I need to rest"

Chaeyoung left her wife and she went up straight to her room and she rest.

"Let's see if I am really the downfall of Catnedwil" 

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