Aptitude Test

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I take a deep breath as I stare at the mirror in front of me. My black and white clothing almost makes me blend into the bathroom wall. A beautiful black and white flower made from fabric sits in my hair.

"Elizabeth, Darling! We'll be late!" My mother calls up the stairs.



"Please sit down with your faction, and we will call you one by one to take the test. Remember, children. Once you have taken the test, you cannot speak to anyone else about your given results."

The woman from Abnegation speaks in a low and kind voice as she addresses us. The cafeteria bursts into laughter and yelling when she leaves to get the test examiners ready.

"I doubt anyone from Abnegation will transfer. They never do. That faction is full of nothing but cowards." A boy dressed in blue remarks, his Erudite arrogance shining in his eyes as he looks at the sea of grey clothing sitting at a table across the cafeteria.

"Be nice, Andy. Didn't you hear about the Abnegation who transferred to Dauntless last year? She was apparently the best in her year despite never once dealing with other people before transferring." Another girl dressed in blue has her nose in a book as she speaks.

The Abnegation woman returns, and she begins to call sets of ten students. Two from each faction get called, and they each disappear into the testing rooms that are always locked throughout the year until today. When it is my turn, I rise from my chair and walk toward the woman. The other to get called from my faction is a boy not that much bigger than I am. He is nervous and shaking, his exposed skin coated in sweat. He looks at me from the corner of his eye, but I don't look back. An Abnegation man leads me into one of the testing rooms and very quietly insists that I sit in the reclining chair placed in the middle of the room.

The man tapes away at the keyboard that sits in front of a computer as I relax into the chair. The walls, apart from the wall with the door, are made entirely of mirrors. The man never even takes a peek at the mirror walls as he stands to speak to me.

"The Aptitude Test is designed to rule out whatever factions you won't fit into. From the results you get during this test, you will pick the faction that you will spend the rest of your life in. The test does not define who you are, but it can change you. There will be a series of trials, and your decisions will determine your results." The man says in a boring tone.

He fills a small cup with a translucent blue liquid and holds it out to me. I take it from him without questioning him and stay still as he connects sensors to my forehead. Wires run from the sensors into the back of the computer monitor.

"Drink that." The man orders, pointing to the cup.

I toss my head back as I put the cup to my lips and force the liquid down my throat. It leaves a rotten taste on my tongue.

"Your eyes are pretty." I tell the man as I black out.


I wake up standing beside an indoor pool. The only ones left in the Chicago Ruins the five factions live within are dry and molded, so the clear blue water within the pool surprises me. Something at the bottom of the pool glitters, and a few bubbles float to the surface a few inches to the side of the glare.

"Choose." A voice beside me says.

I look to the side and see tables instead of a person. There are three tables, each holding up different items. One has a knife, one has a key, and one has a net.

The knife can cut rope, and bubbles in water means someone is tied down there. The key must be to the door that leads outside. The net could be used to get whatever is glaring in the light and sits at the bottom of the pool. I breath softly as I think about what the items represent.

I grab the knife and dive into the pool. The glittering object is gone, and a young boy struggles to untie a thick rope that is holding him down by the ankle. He thrashes when I reveal the knife, and I struggle to cut the rope because he doesn't sit still enough. I finally get the rope cut, and the boy swims to the surface.

Something wraps around my ankle when I try to follow him, and I look down to see that the rope is now wrapped around my ankle. I struggle to reach down, and I manage to cut the rope. I swim to the surface, and I'm suddenly no longer in the pool. I am in a pond somewhere close to the wall that lines the old city.

"Have you seen anyone go through the gates?" A man asks as I pull myself out of the water.

"No." I reply automatically.

"Are you lying?"

"Why would I lie? I just got here."

The Dauntless man raises an eyebrow before turning his back on me. I take a step to follow him, but I am suddenly not by the fence anymore. I am standing on top of one of the tallest buildings in Chicago, staring out over the city.

"Jump or join the other civilians in the elevator." A woman's voice orders.

I step onto the ledge of the building and look down. The ground is far below me, and there are screams echoing through the air. I look over my shoulder to see that the elevator to the ground floor is packed with people. I don't hesitate to let my body fall forward.

The ground was approaching me at an alarmingly fast rate. Once it gets close enough, my body almost naturally curls into a ball. I roll out of the fetal position as I hit the ground, and my muscles feel like they are burning as I try to regain my senses.

A black boot appears in my field of vision, and I look up. A Dauntless man armed with a gun stands in front of me. Behind him is an ongoing battle.

"Can you shoot?" He asks, holding out a second gun.

"No!" I yell over the noise.

"Will you fight anyway?"


I take the gun and run full speed into the chaos behind him.


I wake with a jolt, and the Abnegation man rests a hand on my leg to settle me. I clear my throat and brush his hand away as I sit up. He turns his attention to the computer and begins to type. He smiles at me when he finishes.

"Your results are Candor and Dauntless."

I nod once, and he leads me out of the room as I stand.

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