Game Start

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I twirl the knife in my hand as I stare at the targets. Each one is occupied, so I'm waiting my turn. Eric stands in front of me, his back to me as he watches the initiates throwing knives. He stands directly in line with one of the targets.

"What are you planning?" Isaiah, one of the other initiates says as he stands beside me.

"I think he could use a little trim." Hailey stands on the other side of me.

"Off the top?" I ask.

"No. Right above the ear."

I hum and twirl the knife once more before easily slipping into a stance for throwing it. I snap my arm forward, and the knife flies through the air. It whizzes by Eric, who covers his ear seconds after it goes by and lets out a disgruntled noise. He turns and glares at the three of us.

"What the hell was that?!" He yells.

"A knife." I reply, smirking. "Haven't you ever seen one up close?"

"You smartmouth little-"

He stops talking when there's a faint thud behind him. He looks over his shoulder, dropping his hand and exposing the thin line of blood that runs down his skin. I can see over his shoulder, and only one knife is stuck in the target the initiate he was standing directly in front of is using. Eric glances at me before walking to the target and examining the knife.

He walks up to me and holds the knife up. His blood coats the blade.

"Who's idea was this?" He barks, towering over the three of us.

"Mine." We each say together.

Eric glares at me, and I smile. He grabs me by my arm, dismisses training, and drags me all the way to his room. I don't flinch when he slams the door.

"What are you trying to prove?" He demands.

"I'm not trying to prove anything." I raise an eyebrow.

"You're tormenting me."

"How is that?"

He rolls his eyes without answering, and the blood from his ear runs down the exposed skin of his chest. I make him sit on the bed, and he watches me as I go to the sink and wet a few paper towels. His eyes stay on me when I stand in front of him. I lean closer and wipe the blood away, being careful as I run the paper towels over the cut on his ear. Eric wraps his arm around me and makes me sit on his lap. I ignore him as I clean the small cut.

"I didn't mean to cut you. I let go of the knife a little late, and it grazed you." I whisper.

"It's fine. It didn't really hurt." He replies.

I set the blood red paper towels down and look around. Eric chuckles and reaches for the small nightstand beside his bed. He opens the top drawer and pulls out a small first-aid kit. I take it from him and get a small bandage out of it. He turns his head so I can reach his ear better, and I put the small bandaid on. He makes a face of discomfort.

"I have never put a bandage on my ear before." He says.

I look at Eric, and his mesmerizing blue green eyes stare back at me. I shift my gaze to the tattoo on his neck, and I run my fingers down the pattern.

"I want a tattoo." I whisper.

"I can take you to the parlor. I know one of the artists personally, and he knows how to make it where it doesn't hurt as much." Eric's muscles relax as I run my hand over the tattoo on his arm.

"When can we go?" I ask, running my index finger over the intricate ink design.

"Whenever you want to."


My skin itches as I walk with the other initiates. We are leaving the compound today, and we have to board the train to get where we needed to go.

"I see that bandage peeking out from under your ponytail, Eli. Did you get a tattoo?" Isaiah says from behind me.

"Yeah. It itches like crazy." I reply, running my hand over the bandage on the back of my neck.

"What did you get?"

"That's a secret."

Eric walks with Four ahead of me, but I can tell he's smirking at my comment. We all climb into the train car at the back, and I make sure I'm one of the last ones. Four and Eric stand at the doors to help everyone get in. Eric grabs my hand with the same gentleness he had when he pulled me off the net, and he smiles as he pulls me into the train car.

The train starts rolling soon after everyone is in and the doors are shut. Eric and Four grab what seem to be rolls of tools from a stack of boxes. Once they are unraveled, however, it's not tools that are in the rolls.

"Are those guns?" A girl asks.

"Dart guns." Eric corrects. "Each dart has a tranquilizer liquid in it. One hit from these, and you won't move."

They pass out the guns. Eric hands me one, and I notice it's already loaded. I look it over as Four speaks.

"We're playing Capture the Flag. Two teams. Eric and I are Captains." Four says, looking at Eric. "I'll give you first pick."

"Eli." My name slips out of Eric's mouth with ease.

I stand beside Eric, and the picking continues. Eric bumps his arm against my shoulder, and he nods his head toward one of my team members. They are talking smack to someone on Four's team. I look at the Dart Gun in my hand and look at Eric. He nods slightly, a movement almost unnoticeable if he isn't being directly looked at. I turn on my heel sharply and press the trigger of my Dart Gun after I aim, and the dart embeds itself in the boy's arm. He struggles to rip the dart out, and he becomes panicked when he can't move his arm.

"I told you it would be hard to move, didn't I?" Eric says, making it seem like he was the one who shot the boy and not me.


Eric's team jumps off of the train first. We jump out when we are at the old carnival, and I stare up at the ferris wheel. Several of the others have their flashlights out as we walk along the pier. The light of the flag illuminates the ground around me from being pinned to the bag I am wearing.

"We should put it up on the merry-go-round." Isaiah says.

"No. Let's hide it in one of the game booths." Amanda, a Dauntless-Born, mutters.

Eric turns to me, and so does everyone else.

"What do you say, Eli?" Eric questions.

I immediately point to the ferris wheel. "At the top of the wheel."

"You sure?"

"Yeah. There's only one way to get up there, so if they try to take it, they'll be vulnerable and can't rush it."

"Good thinking. Go put it in place. I'll be right behind you. As for the rest of you, find places to hide. Four likes to be the one to attack."

I walk over to the ladder that leads to the platform the operator would stand on. I grab onto the first bar and start climbing, and I hear Eric do the same not too long after me. I reach a gap where a bar is missing and stop.

"Something wrong?" Eric asks below me.

"There's a large gap." I reply.

He climbs up so he's directly behind me, and I can feel his breath on my neck. His hand touches my side, and his grip on the ladder tightens.

"I'll keep you from falling." He whispers.

I manage to climb up a few bars after the gap while he keeps his hold on me. It doesn't take too much longer to get to the platform. Eric hands me the flag when he takes it off of my bag, and I hook it to one of the safety rails.

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