Drawn Out Fight

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I close my eyes as the wind forms into a soft breeze. Eric and I remain standing on the operator platform of the ferris wheel, and I can hear the others yelling at each other to shut up. I tense up when Eric stands behind me and wraps his arms around me.

"They're all hiding. They can't see us." He says.

I turn to face him, and I smile. "You're so different when you're with me."

"What do you mean?"

"You yell and scream at the others, and you get in their faces. With me, all you do is speak softly and look at me with passion in your eyes."

"I don't want you to be afraid of me."

I reach up and lay my hands on his neck. He smiles as he leans down, and his lips brush against mine. I close my eyes as I stand on the tips of my toes. I wrap my arms around his neck, and his arms lock around my waist.

We're startled out of our kissing sessions when we hear shouts. I look over the railings and see lights from flashlights within the trees and a glowing flag moving around.

"They're coming, and they brought the flag with them." Eric says.

I whistle to let the others know, and Eric and I crouch down so we're out of sight.

"Where are they?"

"I don't know, but their flag is up there."

"You four, go get the flag. Everyone else needs to spread out."

Eric lets out a low hiss, and I look at him from where I am to see a dart in his leg. He pulls it free, his jaw set so he doesn't make another sound. I aim my gun in the direction the dart was pointing and fire. I hear a soft thud, and I can see a body laying on the ground underneath a tree from where I hide. I lay flat on my stomach and peek over the opening in the rails where the ladder connects to the platform. Only one of them is climbing.

I move silently while I reload and take aim. I wait until I have a clear shot of his leg, and I pull the trigger. He isn't too far up the ladder, so the three that wait at the bottom catch y when he falls off of the ladder.

"Those bastards are hiding!" Someone screams.

I crawl over to Eric and check the wound the dart left behind in his leg. I grab my bag and quickly bandage his wound.

"I have to go down." I say.

"No. Stay up here. Keep them off the flag."


The game drags on for an hour. The initiate in Four's team who carries the flag makes his way up the ladder and avoids all of my darts. I quickly shove a few darts into my pocket as I scramble to my feet, and the boy smirks as he stands in front of me. Eric groans in pain behind me when he tries to move.

"What are you going to do, Eli?" The boy chuckles. "You can't run."

"I won't run." I say.

He throws a punch at me, and I grab onto his arm. I twist it behind his back when I move behind him, and I kick the back of his knee. He falls down, and I pin him down. I pull the darts out of my pocket and stab his leg with the first one. He screams as I stab his other three limbs, and I rip the flag off of his shirt. I hold it up and whistle, and my teammates cheer down below, everyone stopping their fights.


"Chocolate cake on me!"

Dinner the day after the game of Capture the Flag is full of laughter and cheering. Isaiah and Hailey buy everyone chocolate cake after Four and Tris give them the money they are missing. Eric sits at table with me, but he's directly across from me. He pokes at a slice of cake with a fork, and I giggle when he looks at me.

"You've got frosting on your face." He says.

"Where?" I frown.

He reaches across the table and rubs his thumb on my cheek. I blush as he licks the frosting off of his thumb.

"I got it." He says.

Isaiah elbows me in the ribs and wiggles his eyebrows as he looks between me and Eric. I smile, and I look at Eric again. He's smirking to himself as he takes a bite of his cake.


The Pit is loud, and music echoes from the tattoo parlor. Many of the adults are holding beer bottles or cans and dance to the music. I stand with Isaiah and Hailey, and we watch the chaos from the side. I smile when Eric walks up to me, a beer bottle in one hand and a soda can in the other. He holds the soda can out to me.

"You're no fun." I tease as I take the soda can.

"I'm already drunk off my ass. I don't need you that way too." His voice doesn't falter, but I can smell the alcohol in his breath.

Isaiah wanders off to go and dance with another initiate, and Hailey slips away to go look around the tattoo parlor. Eric takes my hand, and we head to his room. The music from the tattoo parlor is loud enough to follow us down the halls, and it is hardly muffled when he closes his bedroom door. He locks it before turning to me. I take a sip of the soda as he gulps down the last of his beer.

"I didn't know you drank." I say as he stands in front of me.

"Only when there's a party. I don't particularly enjoy drinking." He replies, pulling me close. "It makes me lose my composure."

"Like how you are right now?"


His eyes are clouded, but he manages to give me the same loving stare he usually does.

"How old are you, anyway?" I ask.

"Nineteen." He answers as he shrugs off his jacket.

"You don't look nineteen. You look older."

"A lot of guys do."

He drapes his jacket over a chair, and I walk up to him. He turns to face me and smiles as I run my hands up his chest, moving his shirt up an inch without meaning to.

"Are you trying to get in my pants like you said that nurse was doing?" He asks.

"Not necessarily. Technically, I'm not an adult yet. Not until I'm done with training." I remind him.

"I won't tell anyone if you don't."

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