The Forgotten Avenger

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Pietro and I walked into the Avengers HQ and Pietro was meet with multiple hugs and questions. One person slapped him. You could understand that.

A couple hours of questioning later, I piped up.

"So. Are we gonna get our loved ones back or what?"

"Oh yeah, right." Scott said. 

"Who's gonna put the gauntlet on?"

Bruce, Tony, Rocket and a couple others valiantly volunteered. Cue a slight row. Yelling saying I'll do it! No! I'll do it! Nah, let me! This that and the kitchen sink. Eventually, we settled with Bruce. 

We stood in an open, metal plated, room people with helmets stood in front of the people without. I pulled my hood over my forehead and my mask up the bridge of my nose. Pietro and Kelly stood behind me. Kelly summoned her shield and stood behind it. I turned my swords into a Veranium shield and held my arm out across Pietro.  

We stood facing Bruce. His feet were shoulder width apart. Iron Man held the gauntlet in one hand and the Mind Stone in the other. Bruce put the gauntlet on and held the stone above it. 

"Are you all ready?"

We nodded and Bruce put the stone in. Then he stated screaming. Tendrils of multicoloured electricity shot up his arm. Bruce dropped to his knees before struggling to bring his hand up. With a lot of struggle, he snapped his fingers.

Tony, Clint, Steve and Scott ran forward. They got the gauntlet of Bruce and fussed over him slightly. My phone buzzed. I pulled it out and caught my breath. The phone showed a picture of my sweet baby sister with Jupiter underneath it. Scott was looking outside at the scenery.

"Guys I think we-"

That's when everything exploded. The dust got into my lungs as we were blasted away from where we stood. My arms flailed. I landed of something hard and pain shot up and down my back. As the dust settled, I realised I was laying in the wrecked kitchen area, my right leg caught in pieces of metal.

I looked around for any others and saw Pietro/Quicksilver caught under a chunk of the roof. He looked up at me, his eyes wild with fear. I heard water rushing among the rubble. 

"Shit. SHIT." I struggled harder and harder to free my foot. He saw what was going on and kicked aside the bits of metal. In a blur of blue, he kicked the metal away and picked me up. He ran  away from the rubble at an incredible speed. I thought super speed would be useful so I touched his shoulder.

Pietro stood, holding me, surrounded by rubble. I blushed slightly as he placed me down on the floor. Thor, Iron Man and Captain America stood nearby. They were all looking in one direction, weapons drawn. We turned.

There he was.

(A/N: Heads up, I have NEVER written a fight scene before. It might be a bit crappy. Give me the benefit of the doubt)

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