Forbidden High-School Love

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Jungkook slept happily knowing that his prank was beginning to be a success; In the other hand ... Taehyung had problems sleeping. He didn't know what he has gotten himself into until he saw some of the comments from his classmates, some where really happy for them but others where not friendly or nice at all ... One comment that made Taehyung really worried was by @ManobanLiss or better known as Lisa, a girl that has had a HUGE crush on Jungkook since the 4th grade and now they're in the 11th grade. She has sabotaged every persons chances at ever being with him and she won't stop until Jungkook is hers but Jungkook has been totally blind about Lisa's feelings which has hurt her a lot.

He knows that for Jungkook this might not mean anything but to him ... well to him it means everything, Taehyung has had a BIG crush on Jungkook since the 6th grade but Jungkook has never shown signs of liking him back or even signs of being into guys so Tae has tried everything to get him out of his head but hasn't succeeded and like an IDIOT he agreed to play the part of his FAKE BOYFRIEND !!! He can't be logical and think with his mind instead of his heart when it comes to Jungkook and it's really frustrating for him. He's scared for tomorrow ... he doesn't know what people are gonna think or say, if Lisa would try something to sabotage him, etc; but at least he knows that Jungkook will ALWAYS stick by his side.

With that thought in his head, he FINALLY dozed off to sleep and had a beautiful dream about Jungkook proposing to him in front of his house where he OF COURSE said yes


Jungkook woke up around 7:00 a.m and took a short shower before dressing up with his casual outfit =

m and took a short shower before dressing up with his casual outfit =

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^ So cute ... sry

Taehyung woke up at around 6:45 a.m and went to take a lengthy bath and after that he dressed up in something flashy to draw attention to himself which he doesn't even know if he wants that attention or not =

m and went to take a lengthy bath and after that he dressed up in something flashy to draw attention to himself which he doesn't even know if he wants that attention or not =

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^ { WHAT THE FRICK TAE ?!?! , Sorry }

They went separately so it would seem like they are trying to not draw attention to each other as a couple when that is EXACTLY what they want

Taehyung arrived first at 7:25 p.m ... he kept his head down so that they wouldn't recognize him as much but when he got out of the car 3 girls came up to him and started gossiping about how lucky he is to have Jungkook and asking him how did they even get together but Tae simply just ignored them and went to his class where everyone and I mean EVERYONE including the teacher was looking at him but he just decided to lower his head and work quietly

In the other hand ...

Jungkook arrived at 7:44 [ 1 minute before the late bell rang ] where he was IMMEDIATELY ambushed by a pack of 6 guys ( 5 of them being Namjoon, Jin, Yoongi,  Hoseok and Jimin ) that started talking about how Jungkook has good game and taste just to make it seem more real but one wasn't having it and said :

Kai : "Really? Your a fag? I expected more of you"

Everyone looked at him in disgust and started ATTACKING Kai for his comment =

Namjoon : "Seriously bro, not cool"
Jin : "Yeah, don't you know? Joonie and I have been together for years"
Jimin : "Yeah and Yoongi is my boyfriend"
Yoongi : "Yes I am Jimin; tell me Kai ... Do you have a problem ? Cause if you do you better run because your gonna get your ass kicked by 6 gays right here, right now"

At those words Kai realized something he would never have guessed ...

Kai : "Hoseok ... Your one of them too ???" - He said sadly feeling betrayed

Hoseok kept silent, see, Hoseok and Kai have been best friends since they where kids but Hoseok has never told Kai about his sexual orientation because he knew that Kai was super conservative and didn't want to loose a friend even if that friend wouldn't accept him if he knew the truth. Now that his secret was out to Kai ... he didn't know how to respond

Yoongi : "Yeah, he is ... we even dated for a while." - Yoongi said showing off

Kai : "WHAT !!! SO YOU TURNED HIM ???? YOU TURNED MY BEST FRIEND INTO A DELUSIONAL SOCIOPATH ?!?!" - Kai screamed angrily accusing them

Hoseok : "NO KAI THEY DIDN'T TURN ME !!!" - Hobi screamed out of nowhere with tears building up in his eyes surprising everyone ; "I've been like this forever, I was even FOOLISH enough to have a crush on you !!!" - He added

Kai : "No that's not true Hoseok, I know it" - Kai proclaimed ; "Don't worry I'll cure you just wait"

Yoongi : "You try that and see how it works"

Jungkook : "In the mean time ... You should run" - Jungkook said cracking his nuckles

Kai knowing he was out-numbered started running while screaming :


Hoseok fell to his knees crying and the others kneeled down to comfort him

When Hoseok recovered, they entered the school being 20 minutes late to class. Jungkook enters his class in which instead of being scolded for being late he was greeted with screams that hyped him up, He spent all the class turning down questions like =

"How did you guys get together?"
"Have you done it yet?"
"Is he good in bed?"

He simply shrugged them off saying that he's the only one that will ever know the truth and everybody was sad about Jungkook's silence

Even though they where some complications the day started better than expected for both Jungkook and Taehyung, but ... Will that last ? is the most important question


I told you this was gonna be a long chapter a little more than 1,000 words. Also that Hoseok and Kai story line just came to me out of nowhere while I was writing it but it actually worked well so ... YAY!!!

I hope you enjoyed it and I'll see you in the next one !!! ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜

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