I Fancy You ~ ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜

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Jungkook stood there dumbfounded at the realization he just now had about Lisa; he honestly saw her as a close acquaintance but after he connected the dots he wanted her to pay not only for Taehyung, but for everyone she's ever hurt so he replied =

Jungkook : "I'm gonna go give her a piece of my mind"

Taehyung : "N-no please don't do t-that" He stuttered worriedly

Jungkook : "But why not? She deserves it" He answered confused

Taehyung : "Cause it's unnecessary, your not my boyfriend or anything so you don't need to stand up for me" He replied back

Jungkook : "That doesn't matter, I'm your best friend I still would do anything for you; but if I have to be your boyfriend to do that then I would happily be it" He declares smirking at the end

Taehyung shoves Jungkook and said =

Taehyung : "Look just- don't do anything ok? Please, for me? He said giving Jungkook puppy eyes and pouting cutely

Jungkook : "Fine but only for now" He warned "If she tries you again she's got hell coming for her" He finishes

After a couple of minutes, Taehyung calmed down and they left the room right as the bell for their next class rang so they parted ways to their second-to-last class of the day. As usual Taehyung got stares while Jungkook got praise "This mistreatment is really unfair" Taehyung thinks to himself.

The bell rings and they start walking to their next class separately which was - Math; As Taehyung is walking to his class, he feels an arm snake around his waist and flinches quickly pulling away only to notice its Jungkook teasing him. He gives him an angry look but takes Jungkook's hand and intertwines his fingers with Jungkook's as they walk together to class. As they're walking, they keep getting stares and they notice Lisa looking at them scoffing out of pure rage; Taehyung feels Jungkook's hand leaving his and immediately turns to Jungkook to convince him to not do anything but it's to late as Jungkook says =

Jungkook : "Don't worry, we both are just gonna mess with her" he says

Taehyung : "Oh ok- wait- we both?!" He asks but is cut off by Jungkook giving him a back hug and a kiss in the cheek in front of Lisa as he starts a conversation =

Jungkook : "Oh hey Lisa!!! Listen I brought you my baby so you could apologize to him like you said you wanted to earlier" He said holding in his laughter

Lisa squints her eyes out of anger while looking at Taehyung but breathes deeply and with a big fake smile says =

"Oh yeah, I'm so sorry Taehyung I really didn't see you I was talking to Jennie and I didn't notice you" "Are you ok?" She asks not caring for the actual answer

Taehyung now having a little fun said =

Taehyung : "Well thanks to MY Kookie I'm way better now" he said enfacing on one part

Lisa : "Well that's just great but I have to leave I'm gonna be late for Math" She said and then you both widened your eyes as you remembered you had Math with her and just chuckled as you turned around speed walking to class.

They sat next eachother since the class just had a big table with chairs around it, surprisingly Lisa sat right in front of them where she could see anything happen and couldn't stop giving Taehyung the dirtiest of looks. Jungkook notices and frowns but a bulb lights up in his brain as he starts acting on his idea by leaning in to Taehyung's ear and whispering =

Jungkook : "I'm so sorry, but we NEED to do this" He said

Taehyung : "Wait w-what?!" He replied but was stopped from speaking as he suddenly felt Jungkook's lips on his only for a second. Taehyung freaked out and widened his eyes, not believing what just happened he put two of his fingers on his own lips out disbelief and said lowly to Jungkook "Y-you just ki-kissed me" but he was only met with a shocked face as Jungkook couldn't believe that he actually did that but they faced Lisa to see her staring at them with her mouth gaped open and tears almost building up in her eyes but where distracted when you heard the teacher say =

Mr.Choi : "All right students and LOVEBIRDS please calms down" He said relating to Taekook

They stoped but Taehyung put his head on Jungkook's shoulder as they listened to the whole lecture.

The final bell rang and they both leave the school hand in hand as they start walking to Taehyung's street because they planned on Jungkook staying over to keep planning the prank.


Sorry I was gone for literally HALF A YEAR!!! It's just that I had to study since October for my finals and because of that me and my friend (who I usually write stories with) where busy so we almost didn't have time to update any of our stories and a couple of days ago I remembered my stories and informed her so then we started writing her story and I worked on mine, Again sorry; but,

HAPPY 2020 and... THANK YOU FOR 100+ READS!!!... Like WTF who reads this?!?! And also, Thank You for making this book #1 on New Fanfiction like I'm sorta famous 🤣

BTW... Since the last time you've heard of me I can confirm that I'm un-loyal as I was Bias Wrecked and now my Bias is Jungkook and Taehyung is my Bias Wrecker

You can definitely see the ... sexual tension on this chapter and it was really cringy to write but anything for Taekook soo... I'll see ya on the next one if I don't forget about this again 😅

Me writing this chapter = 😖😣😷🤢

Me writing this story =

October 2019: ...
November 2019: Short Edits
December 2019: Writes like 3 other stories with like 5 chapters each but doesn't publish any to then delete them
January 2020: Hey sis

And don't forget ... Fancy is SOTY 2019...

BYE!!! 😘

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