Ch.22 Is This How It Is Now?

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Elizabeth's *POV*-

You know how everyone says to let something go, and if it comes back to you then it was meant to be, but if it doesnt it wasnt yours in the first place? Well all of those people, have their fucking heads in their asses.

That is the biggest load of bullshit to cross my path yet. Niall has been and always will be my life, but the way that we have been going, i dont know if it can continue.

I spent practically every living moment since he left, debating on who we will be after i make the desision. Its kept me awake ever since he left. Of course you would think that after i got out of the hospital that i would have slept well, think again.

Him leaving has made me angry for no reason everyday, ive told off all my friends. Hell, I dont even remember their names. All i care about anymore is their relationship with Niall's bandmates.

Every moment I can get any sleep at all, Im welcomed by nightmares. No dreams anymore. Whoever came up with that damn quote shoud die in hell. Because whether Niall is mine or not, he is still my life. He is still the one that makes me want to wake up everyday and live my life, and he is still the one who can tear down my world by simply walking out of it. And thats exactly what he did.

The day I turned him down he could have sat there, not moving, and demand me to take him back because his love for me is more than anything he has to offer.

But he didnt....

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