[02; the new kid]

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Yunho narrowed his eyes, refusing to believe what they were showing him. Had he hit his head on the ground when he took that lovely fall? There was no way in hell that he was seeing properly. Was he hallucinating?

It was surreal, how Song Mingi was right there, right within his reach. Yunho thought he would never see that face again, not in a hundred or a million years. It felt like some odd fever dream as if somehow reality had been completely altered.

Although, no matter how much wanted to attempt and convince himself that what was happening was nothing more than a mere figment of his imagination, Yunho knew it was reality.

"Jeong Yunho. You've aged well, huh?" Mingi questioned with a blank expression, sounding as nonchalant as possible.

Just for a moment, it was like they were two old friends who had not seen each other in a while like they had known each other forever and were catching up with one another. But Yunho could see the sheer hate, disgust, and the firey spite held within those chocolate brown eyes.

He could feel the disturbing tension between him and Mingi. It was enough to send chills down his spine. Yunho yearned to say something, to make the past all go away, but deep down, he knew that Mingi didn't want to hear anything he had to say, and to be honest, he couldn't blame him.

A chuckle rang throughout the air. "Who the fuck does this guy think he is? Yah, you wanna die, bastard?" Daniel spat, his fist mid-air as it was heading right for Mingi's cheek.

Mingi snickered as he caught Daniel's hand in a bone-crushing grip, eyes rolling in irritation. He glanced over at Daniel, whose eyes were wide. The atmosphere was so silent, you could hear a pin drop.

"Leave, if you know what's good for you," Mingi sneered.

Daniel scoffed, snatching his hand back. The male's mouth opened as he was about to say something, but Seongwu stopped him, putting his hand on his shoulder. "Let's just go." He mumbled quietly to Daniel, who only clenched his jaw in utter frustration.

Yunho tried to listen to what they were saying, but his mind seemed to block out the rest of their conversation, being that he was still distracted by Mingi's presence. Now that he thought about it, the male hadn't changed much from when Yunho had last seen him, which was about was about six years prior.

He felt a harsh jab to his back. "Watch yourself, Jeong." Daniel hissed, kicking Yunho's backside before gesturing for his two goons to follow behind.

Mingi stood there as he watched the three leave before he headed over towards Yunho, peering down at him. "Isn't it funny that I catch you like this, hm? Oh, how the tables have turned, Yunho. It's quite comical, really."

"M-M..." Yunho sputtered, trying to get the words out, though, it seemed like they were trapped in his throat, unable to escape.

"Look at yourself. You're fucking pathetic." Mingi chuckled coldly, placing his left foot on Yunho's chest, pressing down harshly. Yunho groaned in pain, shutting his eyes tightly.

"Don't even fucking open your mouth." Mingi spat. The pressure on Yunho's chest became more compressing until the point where it came to be unbearable.

Yunho didn't fight though. This is what he deserved.

Mingi lifted his foot, placing it back down on the ground, taking the pressure off the injured male's chest. He grabbed Yunho's shirt collar, pulling him up harshly before leaning him against the building wall. "Just go."

And just like that, within a matter of seconds, Mingi was gone, leaving Yunho alone in that alleyway, with nothing more but his thoughts and past memories coming back to haunt his mind.

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