[06; sincere]

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"M-Mingi, ow, it hurts!"

The taller boy rushed over to Yunho, crouching down to aid him. The two had been chasing each other down empty alleyways near their houses, as they usually did. It was their usual game of tag.

Yunho had tripped over an empty aluminum can that somebody had discarded, resulting in him in completely losing control of where he was going. The nine-year-old had taken quite a nasty fall, skinning his right knee as he basically tumbled over.

Tears drooped down his face as he sniffled, trying to lift himself back up off the ground.

"No, don't do that! You're gonna get even more hurt!" Mingi scolded him, furrowing his brows. Yunho pouted but said nothing as he simply sat there with his arms crossed.

"I-If I wasn't chasing you, I would h-have been fine, you big dumbie!" He whined, trying to make an angry expression. Instead, he looked more like an upset marshmallow to Mingi.

"W-Well, you-" Mingi began, stopping mid-sentence as he thought for a second. "You're the dumbie for chasing me!"

Yunho's bottom lip trembled as even more tears began to spill. He sniffled. "M-Mingi, you're m-mean!" The smaller boy wailed, hiding his face in his hands. Yes, he was a bit sensitive, to say the least.

Mingi paused, panicked. "No, don't cry! I'm sorry, Yunho. I didn't mean to make you sad." He kneeled, getting on the same level as the crying boy before he gently cupped Yunho's face in his hands.

"Please don't cry! You're too pretty to cry, Yunho!" Mingi softly wiped away the smaller's tears with his thumb, looking into his eyes. The beautiful, brown orbs before him seemed like they could hold space itself, despite them being glossy from tears.

"I'm sorry, Mingi. 'm just a big crybaby."

"Yeah, you are." The taller boy nodded his head in agreement.

Yunho pouted yet again, looking down at the ground sadly.

"But you're my big crybaby!" Mingi exclaimed, pulling him to a tight embrace.

Yunho giggled, his ears reddening.

"Okay, I have a bandaid! Let me put it on your knee so we can go home and eat ice cream!"

"Ice cream?!" Yunho asked excitedly, looking at him with wide eyes.

He nodded in confirmation. "Yeah, ice cream!"

Mingi then reached into his pocket, pulling out a small bandaid. He always kept a few handy because somehow, someway, Yunho always managed to get himself hurt.

He tried to place it on the scrape, but Yunho just screamed.

"Ow, ow, ow!"

Mingi jumped back, startled.

"Yah, you hurt me on purpose, meanie!" Yunho accused, putting on his angry marshmallow face yet again.

"Wha-" Mingi didn't believe this. Was this boy seriously accusing him of such a mean thing?!

"Did not!" He shouted at Yunho, crossing his arms.

"Did too!"



"No, no! Yunho, I would never!" Mingi insisted with a slight frown, disappointed that Yunho didn't believe him.

"Never what?"

Mingi rolled his eyes, smacking his hand on his forehead. Really? "I would never hurt you on purpose, you big idiot!"

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