Chapter 14 - Mine

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The old lady, whose name has since been revealed to be Lady Natsuki, has informed our 7 heroes of her involvement with the so-called 'Stone of Time', a device that gives any user the power of time travel. Lady Natsuki has agreed to help them craft new ones, so that they may return to the present time.

"Come now," she says, getting up and walking towards her front door. "The mine is quite a walk away!"

"Ugh, I don't want to walk so far.." Kaminari says under his breath, sighing.

"Aw, is the baby tired?" Jirou asks.

"N-no!" Kaminari says, defensively.

The group stands, and walks out of Lady Natsuki's home, following her out. She closes and locks the door to her home behind her, and leads the heroes on a long walk in the hot sun.

Izuku starts to wonder what exactly is going on. "So, we're brought 500 years into the past by Time Travel, then coincidentally we run into you, who also happens to be a time traveller, and you're trying to help us get back. Why would Time Travel send us here, if he knows about you?" he asks Lady Natsuki.

"If you think that I'm working with this 'Time Travel' you speak of, or that I'm planning on doing harm upon you all, know that I could've done that all by now. I may look old, but I've learned to fight from some of the greatest of all time, I am a time traveller after all." she replies, smiling.

"I guess that offers some relief," Izuku says, somewhat at ease from his suspicions.

Meanwhile, Jirou has her earphone jacks plugged into her .mp3 player, and is currently listening to 'One of These Nights' by The Eagles.

Most of the walk is through forest, however it is not dense enough to block out sunlight. Bakugou has remained especially quiet since they arrived, and both Yaoyorozu and Lady Natsuki have taken notice to this.

"I don't think I've had a chance to hear you speak, young man with spiky hair." Lady Natsuki says.

"I don't speak unless I feel a need to," Bakugou says in his typical brutish tone. "Why don't you just hurry up and show us where the stupid mine is?"

"Bakugou! I'm sorry Lady Natsuki, he's a bit on the short temper side." Yaoyorozu says. Bakugou rolls his eyes and crosses his arms, looking at the leaves on the trees above them.

"Yes, I can see that," Lady Natsuki responds, taking no offense to Bakugou's cold demeanor. "I was told my father was like that as a teenager as well, always grumpy and angry."

Bakugou temporarily shifts his gaze towards Lady Natsuki. He asks, "Oh yeah? Then what happened? How'd he become a total softy later on?"

Lady Natsuki turns and looks at both Yaoyorozu and Bakugou, who are walking side-by-side. She responds, "Well, I suppose it was falling in love with my mother." Natsuki smiles at both of them, then turns back around. A blush falls upon both Yaoyorozu and Bakugou's faces.

"Damned lady," Bakugou says under his breath.

Yaoyorozu discreetly looks at Bakugou, remembering his warm demeanor the first time they time travelled. The way that he offered his jacket to her in the cold of the night, it was a simple act but one that went a long way in her heart.

Yaoyorozu, still blushing, thinks of it all and smiles.

Kaminari looks down at the forest floor as he walks. One thing that hasn't been off of his mind was how terrible the dance was, given the fact that Time Travel essentially ruined it for everyone. He supposes that everyone feels that way, but he feels especially bummed out because he was hoping he would get to share a kiss with Jirou again.

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