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"Shit," Y/N muttered in exasperation as she slammed her home phone down in frustration

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"Shit," Y/N muttered in exasperation as she slammed her home phone down in frustration. Running a shaking hand through her hair, Y/N leaned against the kitchen counter as she tried to think of a solution to her problem. Her problem being that not a single member of the Party was picking up their phone.

Y/N stared at the phone hesitantly before picking it up and quickly dialing her friend's number. "Steve Harrington, I swear-" Y/N began to mutter, but she was once again met with no answer. She slammed the phone down even louder than earlier before slumping against the counter, her head falling into her hands.

This couldn't be happening. The Upside Down being back. Pennywise being back. Mike being missing. . .

None of this was real. There was just no way.

For a moment, Y/N felt as if she was about to cry. The stinging feeling in her eyes as her vision began to blur ever so slightly only made her more frustrated, her body shaking out of both fear and stress. Fear for her friend and for anyone else that these two threats could harm and stress over how she was supposed to find a solution.

Without the Party, Y/N was the only one that understood how to fight back against the Upside Down. But much like the Losers had to fight together to be able to defeat Pennywise, Y/N and the Party had to do the same with the Upside Down.

How was she supposed to fight the same creatures that had been haunting her nightmares for years now without the very people who had helped her defeat the place not once but three times?

How was she supposed to save Mike?

"Y/N?" a small voice called out making the girl jump in surprise and turn to see both Eddie and Richie standing in the kitchen doorway. Eddie was looking at her in concern while Richie tried to play it off like he didn't want to be there even though they all knew he was worried for her too.

Y/N quickly wiped her eyes to get rid of the small tears that had started to form and plastered a fake smile on her face. "Oh, hey," she said as she waved ever so slightly at the two.

"Shit, you aren't crying, are you?" Richie asked, the tone in his voice making even him wince at his harshness although Y/N was unaffected.

Eddie whacked the boy and glanced over at the girl. "I think what Richie was trying to do was ask if you are okay."

"I don't know about-" Richie began, but Eddie was stomping on his shoe within a second, the boy stopping mid sentence to mutter a bunch of curse words as he hopped up and down on one foot.

"I'm fine," Y/N said, making both boys glance at each other before looking to her with their eyebrows raised. "Really, guys. I'm fine."

"Well, I'm fucking not. So if I'm able to tell you just how not fine I am, you should be able to do the same without lying to my face," Richie told her in slight annoyance as he walked over to stand closer to her, Eddie following right behind.

The In-Between // an It and Stranger Things crossoverWhere stories live. Discover now