chapter 24: (we meet again)

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Its been a week since I fainted and ever since then I haven't attended class or work so did Alex, but Alex has been acting really weird I mean really weird his caring and protective but now his been shy when his with me and he avoids eye contacts too, also I often catch him staring at me. He usually doesn't act that way.

Right now I'm back in school and I'm trying to catch up to the lessons and topic I've missed, I know I can manage but Alex, I'm not so sure that's why his been at the library every recess, for me I'm always in the garden with Erika-chan and she's been helping me study.

"You got it, that the final answer" she said, finally I got the final answer, trigonometry is the hardest subject in all histories ever told, "arigato Erika-chan, thank you everything, for teaching me and for when I fainted" I smile. "Well you should thanks Alex too and Luke" that reminds me "your right!, I should meet this Luke friend of yours, I have to give him a proper thank you" "next time I'll introduce you to him, his not here due to his work" my eyes widen, "his a working student?" She nod "yeah he is, like you he has already his own company and I heard that his very busy co'uz his going to have an important project coming soon" she explained. "Oh OK, well I'll just have to wait until you introduce him to me" she nod and smiled at me.

After two boring subjects its finally lunch, I talked to Alex I asked him if we could be together this lunch break but he said that his eating with his friend today, and I understand I mean who am I to say that he has to join me to lunch, I'm just his best friend after all. "Erika-chan you want to have lunch with me, Alex said his eating with his friends" I said "I'm sorry Ella-chan, but I kinda have an appointment with someone" she said shyly, "ah... Ok" she bow her head, "go me, hontoni go me (I'm sorry, really sorry" she said, "iyo (its okay)"

I said, "you sure" I nod, "then I have to go I'm sure his waiting for me" she said in a hurry, I just nod and smile then she wave good bye and left.

Hayz!, I guess I should just head home for lunch break since we have 2 hours and I can drive myself there, hayz why do I always have to be left alone. Alex sure is acting weird, usually he'll want to join me but I'm having the feeling that his really avoiding me for no reason, did I do anything to make him upset, I'll go asked him when we get home to pre---WAHOUCH!!!....

All my books fell from the floor, so I kneel down and gather them then a notice the person I bumped into kneel down as well and handed me my book, "ah... Arigato, ano gomenasai, honto ni go me (ah... Thank you, and I'm sorry, I'm really sorry)" I said sincerely while still picking up my things but when I looked up my eyes widen, "ni.....Nicholas?" I shockingly scream "wh... What are you doing here?" He smiled at me and help me stand up, "I started studying here last week, I'm in class 4-A while your at class 3-A right?" "but how? And why?---" he cut me off, "co'uz my parents handed me the company branch here so I went to ouran to finish my studies" he calmly explained, I smiled at him. "LUKE!", that voice we looked to the direction of the voice, my eyes widens and I can see that she's surprise too.



We both said at the same Time, "you know Luke?" She said, "yeah but you, how did you know Nicholas?" I shockingly asked, "we went to the same elementary school and high school, you" "he went to my 18 birthday" I said she looked at Nicholas, "you didn't tell me you already knew her?" She said While she hits Nicholas's shoulder, "ow!, you should have know, didn't I asked you her phone number" he massaged his shoulder, "ergh!! Bakareyou (you idiot)" she hits him again. Wow this is really shocking, wait Luke? "You mean his the person who carried me to the middle school building?" She nod, "yeah, he was just passing by when it happened" she explained, "I texted you that night, didn't you received it?" Nicholas said, I swing my head, "Erika did you gave me the right number?" He turn to Erika, "I did, i even used that number to call her last night" she answers they argue about it, well its true that I didn't read anything from him co'uz that night I was sleeping and Alex was taking care of me, wait Alex!...

"It...its alright I think, co'uz Alex was taking care of me that night so he might know about it, I'll just Alex him when I get home later" they both settle down, "oh yeah, we're about to get some lunch you want to come" Nicholas offered, "ah.. Sure if its OK with you two" I said calmly, "its OK with us right Erika" we looked at Erika and she was quite shocked, "ah... Ye..yeah, why not" "you sure?" She nod, "ah, daduebo, dyah ikuzo? (Yeah, its okay, well let's go?" She offered, I smiled, "OK I was really wondering if I'll have to go home instead since Alex is with his friend and Erika-Chan had some appointment, so I'm happy that you invited me along", I said to them, they both smiled, "It was nothing, let's go" Nicholas asked I nod at them.

This is quite a shocking day, who knew that the Luke who carried me was Nicholas the guy I dance with in my 18th birthday, what a small little world. Come to think of it his name is Nicholas Luke Reyes, I should have known and realize.

Come to think of it I'm pretty sure Alex saw Nicholas before so he might have known that it was Nicholas, he should have told me, and about the text as well, ergh!.. I pout his really going to get it....

Friendzone?Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon