chapter 26: (opinion)

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Gab's POV

After a whole day at school I immediately went to the office, and right now I'm doing some paper works regarding the funds of the company.

"Ma'am we need a serious and large investor that will help this company or else the company will under go bankruptcy and everyone of our investors will leave" Claire said as I listen to her, "what can we do about this?" "Well ma'am, in our case we need to convince our former clients who left but that won't be easy because both of them already sigcontractntract to other fabric companies" she explained to me, if we can't convinced them then that would be a big issue for the company they already invest, that would make the situation more complicated. I sigh and close my eyes, "isn't there another way?" I looked at her seriously in the eyes. There has to be another way to get the investors back to us or maybe we can get another investors. "Well ma'am there is another way and its the easiest but most difficult decision that you'll ever make and I think its not the proper decision for your age---" I cut her off, I have to know "tell me Claire!" She sigh "we still have one large investor and their our oldest investor in the company. The Reyes INC. We can make a deal with them but as I said that deal is difficult for your age".

Its true that I'm a young boss here at the age of 18 I already managed a company on my own and I've been here for months but the company is dropping and dropping, I can't let my parents down specially my dad and this company is special to them and to my grandparents, I can't give it up that easily without even putting out a good fight, plus I want to prove not to my parents and to those who think so low of me. "What is it" I said seriously, she looked down and took a deep breath, "we can ask them for a marriage interview" my eyes widen, a marriage interview?, its true that its s difficult decision for my age and really really hard, "old Mr. Reyes has a grandson who is in this country right now. As I heard his learning from his grandfather on how to manage a company, we can ask them for a marriage interview in exchange for a merge of their company branch to ours. I've talked to your parents about the matter in hand and they said that what ever your decision they will respect it because they trust you enough, they also said that in the end you will have to decided for yourself" my heart has fallen to the ground, there was silence between us which I broke "what is your opinion?, Claire" I asked, I have to know her opinion because she knows the company more than I do so her opinion will be a great help. "Well if you asked me ma'am, if we ask our former investors to come back we will have a issue and it will make matters worst, and if we ask other companies to invest here no one will because of our conditions and there is a possibility that they will ask a marriage interview in exchange for there investment. But if we asked the Reyes INC. I know that the company will be in great hand co'uz they have been our business partners even when sir Luke is still the CEO of the company, and I also heard that the grandson is a real gentlemen and very nice, so I know you'll be in good hands to" she explained.

She's right that is the easiest way and the most difficult to do, but I don't know if I'm ready for that. "But ma'am Gab its just my personal opinion, I'm not telling you to do that" she said to comfort me, "its ok Claire, you have a point but I just don't know if I can do that, maybe we can think of some other ways to do something but if there isn't any other way then. I'll, I'll do it, I'll asked help from sir yumul" I sat back on my chair, "OK ma'am, but I know you'll be Able to do the right thing without getting married" I smiled but only a little then she left.

I know that the company need this but I need sometime to think it through, I can't be rushing off to much...

Alex's POV

Its 8:25 and like usual Gab isn't home yet. Right now I'm at the study room, I'm doing my home works but I can't concentrate because of what I found out...

Right now I don't understand myself when it comes to Gab but all I know it that I hate it when his with that stupid loser co'uz its really irritating me like crazy. But I'm not going to avoid Gab because of that, its just that I want to know a lot from her right now, like what is the promise that she made with mom, does it concern me at anything, and most of all. Its it true that she loves me, there are so many questions in my head and right now I'll just focus on finding the answer to them.


"Yoi yoru ferunando no jukyo des? (Good evening Fernando's residence)" I answered the phone

"Its me aunt Vanessa, Alex is Gab there already?"

"Ah no auntie, she's still at the office, why?"

"Oh no its nothing but could you remain her that she doesn't need to sacrifice anything for the company, but we won't get in the way of her decisions, okay"

"Um sure auntie you can count on me", I wonder is auntie knows anything

"Thank you Alex, well that's all I want to say go---" I cut her off

"Wait...Auntie can I asked you something?"

"Sure Alex, what is it?"

I took a deep breath

"Do you know anything about a promise that Gab made to my mom?"

It took a minute before she answered.

"Well I'm not in the right place to tell you that. And even myself I don't know the whole story behind that"

"But does that promise have anything to do with me?"

"I'm not the one to tell you that Alex, it should be Gab co'uz we both know that Gab takes her promises seriously and she'll do anything to keep it from breaking. Plus Gab won't make a promise if she doesn't have a reason"

She's right about that, if its Gab she keeps her promise safe, and more the reason why she won't tell me...

"Well I have to go, tell Gab that I called, okay"

"Sure auntie, good night"

Then she hung up

Auntie has a point

If its Gab its Gab, I'm sure even If I kneel down she won't tell me..

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