I met Clark on the corner, near the park bench slung up after Rex Barns went missing a couple summers ago. The thing had a bronze plaque and everything, his face scribbled in the far left corner. It made Tommo uncomfortable, Barns a good friend of his, so we typically avoided the spot.

Flemming tended to be a heavy sleeper but I sent my alarm for three in the morning so I had enough time to get home before light out. Part of me expected Clark's brother car to be idling on the road but he stood on his own, poorly equipped for the weather.

The moment I was within touching distance he buried his hands into the pockets of my jacket, teeth chattering.

"Fuck me sideways, the weathers a bitch tonight." Clark stammered through a shudder, gritting his teeth when a blast of wind rolled past us.

"Nobody made you come out," I smiled, holding back my own shudder when he moved in closer. He had shaved since I last saw him, a nick close to his neck bright red. I steadfastly avoided looking at the fading hickey on his jawline.

"Shut up, you know you missed me." He murmured and I fervently ignored how my face heated up at his knowing smirk. He shuffled in close enough that our chests brushed with every breath we took and I knew he was baiting me on, daring me to say it.

To say anything other than-

"What've you got planned now then? I know you didn't text me to stand in the cold all night."

"Or did I? Heating's broke at home. Fucking Mitchell is a spazz and broke the radiator," Clark said.

"Don't call your brother a spazz," I scolded and Clark rolled his eyes.

"Not my fault he's ret-"

"Jeremy!" I cut in, embarrassed when my voice echoed down the street. "What's happening?"

"I was thinking we could head to Dovers. Tommo's running late-night drills with some of the track boys – you know Julius and Romeo – so, we could chill on the bleachers, Julius brought pot and a couple beers?"

"You know I don't smoke."

Clark snorted. "Then watch me smoke. We need some quality time. The house arrest you're under has really been a bummer."

"It's been barely a two weeks man," I laughed and Clark slipped away, edging towards the bridge heading downtown.

"Shut up, we're wasting time," he said over his shoulder. "Princess has to be back before sunrise."

"Fuck you, man." I jogged to catch up with him, slinging an arm around his shoulders, the same way he had done to me that night at Koby's convenience.

"Tommo's trying to break his record," Clark said after a while of silence as we idled at a red light. The streets were clear, we could've cut and run at any time, but for some reason we waited like good civilians. "Something about getting complacent."

"The guy's always trying to be the best, what does he know about complacency." I scoffed, kicking against the curb.

Clark nodded, laughing.

"Exactly what I said, Beau," he agreed and we started walking the second the light tipped green.

As the little electronic man mimicked us Clark spun around, jogging backward. "I think the thought of college is starting to freak him out, suddenly the future's a little bit more real."



I had completely spaced.

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