Chapter 7: Zack

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The dream came again and finally all the faces were uncovered. I knew who the last two members of the team were and we needed to keep them safe. It was them. Miami and Zack. They're the final two members of our team.

When the first wave of the dream hit I seen all of them. We were all standing there side by side.

Then the second wave hit and it's like everything was in slow motion. Then the world had stopped all together. I seen myself in the distance. Standing there staring back at me. What is going on?

Then came the third wave I heard screaming and everything was still in slow motion. I noticed most of my team had fallen me and Zack were all that was left. He still fought even though he looked majorly beat up and exhausted. Two people can't save the world can they?

The last wave hit me and I saw Zack staring at me saying something that I couldn't quite understand until it hit me. I looked down to where he was holding his chest and seen the blood pool out the cracks in his fingers. He had been shot. Right in front of my eyes and I couldn't run to him to help him, all I could do was stand there.

Then everything went black and the next thing I saw was the garage where everyone laid still asleep. I wiped my forehead and noticed that I was sweating more than before. It seems like it get worse and worse every time. I was to afraid to go back to sleep. I had led him to his death and just watched him die. He was pleading for my help. His voice kept ringing in my head asking for help and his face was etched into my memory. I couldn't forget seeing something like that. It's all my fault. Why can't I figure this out?

I decided that since I couldn't sleep I might as well try to devise a plan to save everyone. I don't care what happens to me as long as I can save them. I was wracking my brain for anything I could come up with, anything that could help when I heard the garage door creak open. I slowly stood from my cot to see someone I never thought I would see again.

"Derek." He growled out with a snarl on his face. A face that I had seen everyday of my whole life. A face that I would recognize anywhere. My face. Or more my twin brothers face.

"Samuel? Samuel is that you?" I called out to him but he just stood there staring back at me with a little glint in his eyes that I couldn't quite recognize. I started to walk towards him when I heard a soft voice from behind me.

"Derek what are you doing?" Susie asked and I noticed everyone was awake staring at me.

"It's my br-" I was cut off when I turned back around to see that he wasn't there anymore. Where did he go? "Guys I swear my brother was just right here." I said still looking around.

"What are you talking about Derek. Nobody is there." Turbo grumbled.

"BUT HE WAS RIGHT HERE!!" I yelled getting mad. Nobody believed me. Did I even know if I could trust them if they didn't believe me? Of course I could. Don't think like that. They are your friends they're just trying to help you. You can't blame them for not seeing him. "You know what? Never mind just go back to sleep everyone." I said with a sheepish smile.

Zack: So you dreamed about me huh?

Derek: Not like that sicko

Zack: it's ok lover boy I mean I don't swing that way but if you do it's alright

Turbo: I've been telling him that this whole time

Derek: Shut up Peter Pan


Derek: says the one who literally listens to I'm a Barbie girl

Turbo: Shut up before I punch you in the nose

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