The attack was started by the destroyers raining fire on to the building. Then the plan began aircrafts both enemy and friendly fought in the skies. We are rallying from the bridge to the main building, enemy forces soon arived and the enemy bombarded the bridge creating ruble that we used as cover. The enemy have activated the dome shield around the tower and put more defenses on the bridge, we are slowly being outnumbered our tanks and heavy ornaments are being destroyed but we still pushed through knowing that if we fail earth will suffer we overrun the enemy positions and soon we have overruned the last enemy position but there's still the dome shield that is impenetrable but can be damaged so we get on the hover tanks, turbo tanks, and delta 10s and started shooting at the shield tryinng to weaken the shield generator and after a few minutes the shield broke and before we knew it the enemy started retreating knowing that they will lose, after a transmission from the director we soon gave chase.
Fall of earth
ActionThe year was 2068 and earth is prospering, technologies are advancing. But that all changed one day.