Song Pref: Stay With Me by You Me At Six

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"Can you do one with ashton based on stay with me by you me at six?"

Requested: Yes (On tumblr)

Smut: No

For: Anon

Once again you woke up in the middle of the night, four o'clock in the morning to be exact. You woke up because you had another nightmare about Ashton.

You stood up and walked towards your balcony and sat down wondering, "How's Ashton doing?"

You've got a lot to say for the one that walked away

I give, you take

It's the way it's always been

Before Ashton toured around the world, he spent his spare days hanging out with you. Even when he's busy he would still find ways just so the two of you can hang out.

However now that his band is rising he became extra busy. They were always recording, doing a photo shoot, or an interview. They started travelling the world and that meant your time zone never fits with his. When you're about to sleep, he was just starting to wake up or the vice versa.

During his time off you'd try to spend time with him but he's always with his family, Luke, Calum, or Michael so you never bothered to hangout with him. You didn't really want to interrupt their family time and you definitely didn't want to bother band time.

Then once in a blue moon, you'd finally get the chance to hangout with him but it didn't go as the way you planned it.

"Ash do you want to get some ice cream with me?"

"Naw it's okay Y/N, I'd rather stay home and get some rest, the whole travelling and performing thing. Maybe next time"

You were a bit disappointed but you understood him.

For the first few months you understood how his career went but after a year you couldn't take it anymore.

Yes you were proud of him and the lads living up to their dream but it was hurting you that he was silently pushing you away.

Oh, how do I know if I should stay or just go?

The bottom line is this way that I'll never know

Stay with me

When you finally got the courage to tell him if he still wanted you in his life he was silent.

"Ashton please just answer me. I know your career is taking over and all that but I want to know if I belong somewhere in your life. Even a tiny bit would do."

"I..." He couldn't look at you. "I don't know what you want me to say Y/N"

"I just want to know if you still want me in your life. And if you don't. Could you at least maybe stay with me for the night?" Your voice cracked hoping to get an answer from him.

You've got a lot to say for the one that pushed me away

I give, you take

Something, they never change

Just change

"I can't believe you're making me choose between you and you're career! WHY ARE YOU SO SELFISH?"He yelled.

You were taken back. "I'm not making you choose between me and your career. You're over reacting! What's happening to you Ashton? It's like I don't know you anymore."

"Damn right you don't know me anymore and I don't know who you are anymore too. You totally changed Y/N. You're not the same person that I met and fell in love with."

You slapped him. "Don't you dare talk to me like that Ashton. I've been here patiently waiting for you but what did I get? Nothing. You totally pushed me away. Now I know the answer to my question.... I clearly don't fit in your rock star life."

You wiped your tears remembering the day you walked out of his life. Yes, you missed him. You missed him every day but starting today, you will learn to let go and move on. It's the only way you can be happy again without Ashton.

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