Chap 01: Arrival

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Disclaimer: Prologue chapter


(Last time)

"So can you take me to the principal?" He asked

"S-Sure...." they both said

"Lead the way" chung said as his cannon disappeared into thin air


They were walking to the principal's office when chung decided to asked

"So katase-san can you tell me more about this place?" He asked

"Sure... Kuoh academy was an all girls highschool which was recently turned co-ed.... thats all i heard about this school and rumor has it that the student council president and the owner of this school are devils..." she said

'Devils huh?' He mused

"Welp this is it..." she said as they arrived to the principal's office then katase knocks on the door

"Enter!" Someone yelled from inside

The three came in and was greeted by a girl with glasses and the principal

"Hello and who might you be?" He asked

"My name is chung seiker.... i just moved here from the UK and i want to enroll to this school..."

"The UK huh? I see.. then fill this up and sign this and i'll hand you your schedule once finished.." he said

Chung was filling out everything unbeknownst to him someone was watching him

(A few mins later after filling up)

The money was being counted to make sure nothing is missing chung was sitting on a chair in front of the principal's desk while he was waiting the girl asked him

"So you're from the UK?" She asked

"Yes..." he said nodding his head

The principal came back with his schedule and he handed it to him

"Thank you sir..." chung said

"No problem Mr. Seiker... and sona please show him his homeroom he might get lost" he said

"Yes sir.." Sona said

"Thank you.." he said bowing and left with sona

(In the hallway)

Chung and sona were having an awkward moment when...

"Here it is your homeroom let me go inside and talk to the teacher" she said as she walks inside to speak with the teacher

He could hear the teacher speaking from the outside sona peeked from the inside of the room

"Okay... you're up" she said

"Thanks sona-san"

"Everyone i would like you all to meet your new student" she said

"Hello my name is chung seiker... i hope we can get along..." he said while blushing

Aaaaand the whole class especially the female population squealed on how cute he was while the males were angry

"Damn it another pretty boy..."

"Murder him...."

"Castrate him...."

"I'll get the body bag..."

He sweatdropped

Oh boy he was in for a LOONG day


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