Trailer for the battle/sneak peek of the next chap

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A/N: This is not a chapter but a trailer

Also every text in this chapter are Bold so yeah

---------Trailer start--------

It was night time and everyone is nervous
"Dress break!" Issei yelled
"Rias Gremory's [Rook] resigned.."
"Issei transfer that power to me and kiba hurry!" Chung yelled
"Sword birth!/[Shooting Star]!" Chung and kiba yelled
"What are you gonna do now boy? There's 5 of us and only three of you?" Ravel asked

"I'm sorry but i'm not alone...." He said smirking
Just then a portal opened up
"[Apollyon]!/[Wind Blast]!"
"[Infinite Chaser]!"
"Issei!" Rias yelled
Everyone looked up in shock
"Rias Gremory [King] has Resigned.."

---------Trailer End------------

A/N: and thats a wrap for the trailer the real chap will be in a few days

Peace out

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 05, 2020 ⏰

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