Chapter 4: Fire and Calm

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My phone keeps buzzing near my bedside table, but I really couldn't care less. Let whosoever is calling live for a few minutes without the Great Jasper's guidance. When it starts to ring for the sixth time though, I am forced to pick it up. Finishing the lunch Mum'd left me, and tucking my pencils into my pockets; I answer the phone. It's Larry, calling me right after school got over for him and his chaps.

'Hey Jas; are you-'

I interrupt him unceremoniously. 'Not "Jas". Or I'll come over and throttle you, I mean it.'

'Okay, buddy calm down! You pissed out for some mad, damning reason, right?' I regret my words, but I've already had an emotionally draining day.

'Yeah, sorry bro. What is it?'

'I was going to ask you if you wanted to watch any movie; me and my lads will be at the theatre the whole evening, doing a movie marathon. Care to join us?'

Just the release I was looking for.

'Alright, just you wait. I'll be over asap.'

'Ah man drive your bicycle faster today, OK?' he says, laughing. I slam the phone down.

Larry holds out my ticket stubs to me. "The best of me", some obscure French movie with subtitles, and "Fury", in that order.

His other friends throw me furtive glances for sometime, and I hear whispers of 'He's homeschooled', and 'Bet his life rocked man', and 'What does he do with all that free time?' hang in the air.

I'm used to this. Used to being singled out, for my looks, for my past, and my present. Larry engrosses me in a conversation about Barcelona, and I happily oblige him till the movies start.

The Best of Me was overly sappy. Me, I am a romantic at heart, but such mush is hard to handle; when you're craving for just a little of it anyway. Half the boys walked out cursing their luck, but I stayed for the ending.

I never understood the French movie at all. Even with subtitles, I found myself wishing I was out in the warm breeze instead of being here, freezing my backside watching some rubbish.

Fury was worth watching, several guys reckoned, and I waited eagerly in anticipation. Half an hour into the film, I pick up my Coke and drain it. In the few minutes that I an distracted, a plane zooms into view.

It's a warzone after all.

And the plane's being shot at.

I spit out the Coke I was just about to swallow, in a magnificent arc that lands on the person in front. He stands up, cursing me loudly, and everyone's staring at us instead of the movie; and loud sounds of gunshot echo in the hall and in my ears, sending shivers down my spine, making every breath a hard one; my chest unable to take in any more air, my eyes unmoving, my fist crushing the paper cup in my hands. My mind resonating with horrifying memories of a flying plane swooping into the ground, and someone's bloodied arms holding me, pushing me into fire, yelling my name-

'Jasper!!! Someone do something!!' Someone yells. I can see but cannot distinguish, hear but not understand, and my mind obliges me with horrible images. I'm lying on the carpeted floor of the theatre, as someone shoves down a pill into my mouth. It's Larry, and he's found my Clonidine in my pockets, without me having to tell him. I gulp it, and clutch at someone for release, any way to end this mute anguish-

Soon, my dad and mum come over, and I stagger unsteadily and drop into their arms; and before I know it, I'm ushered away, my mum saying hasty apologies to whoever would listen, my dad thanking Larry for his presence of mind, his friends staring at me like I was crazy, which I probably was-

I drift into Clonidine-induced sleep, and hope I never wake up.

When I come to, I can see the flowery yellow curtains on one side that mean I'm in Mrs. Vermont's clinic. I blearily push my feet of the bed, and start to walk towards the Consultation Room. I can see them now, my parents and Lucy in the room, discussing something I can barely hear. I decide to go in anyway.

'Jasper dear!!' mum rushes forward and holds me close to her shaking self, and I oblige her for a few minutes. My father looks relieved, and does the thumbs-up sign, at which I nod weakly. Lucy looks at me, and says-'Well Mrs. Sky, if you don't want Jasper to rely on any more drugs..'

My mum said that?

'I suggest he continues with the Clonidine, but now twice a day, because I still don't see any improvement in him at all. He's still the same kid he was half a year back, when you brought him to me. He's not letting go.'

I stare pointedly at my feet. Mrs. Vermont is very harsh when it comes to judging me. My mum's lips quiver, but she doesn't say anything.

'I do think he needs further sessions with me, and I'm sorry for having postponed it earlier. I'll definitely bring him around, and Jasper will soon be a good lad, won't you, Jasper?'

I grimace. She's talking to me like I'm a five year old kid. 'Whatever.'

'Lovely. I'll have Sarah set up the dates for the coming week. See you soon!'

GAG ALERT. I don't want to see anyone soon, except for Larry, to apologise for ruining his evening. And Cassidy, just for something to talk about.

And maybe, Symphony. For helping me relish my hold.

For being my ray of light.

But that's never going to happen.

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