Chapter 3: A Honest Liar

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Sam is talking to all of us in her stern voice, but her eyes find Stephen more, and give him scorching glares. Sam is our instructor for the day, and I am glad. She is a marvelous teacher, and doesn't stand silly frivolity and Stephen's idiocy.

'The International Meet for the Citizens of Space will convene this September, in Milan. I trust all of you will put your brains to good use, and come up with proper research documents, because I know all of you are intelligent, and have been here long enough to know our standard.'

Stephen puts up a hand, mockingly. 'My girlfriend here has only just signed up today, Sam.' Sam grits her teeth, and turns to face him.

'Then I hope for her sake that she doesn't learn the same values as you do.'

Stephen's face turns brick-red. But now, Symphony rallies against Sam. 'I'm sorry, Sam, but that thesis was not outsourced- we had written it together.'

And again, I'm lost in that voice, it just tolls so many bells in my heart; and I berate myself inwardly for letting my attention slip so much. Sam is, for once, at a loss for words. 'If that's the case, well-'

'Symphony' she provides.

'Symphony, I do think it was marvelously written. Perfectly explained, encapsulating all the data.'

Symphony smiles broadly; and her eyes crinkle with joy. I cannot tear my eyes off her, I just can't. 

Cassidy taps me on the shoulder, and I return to Ground Zero. 'Jasper, your work was impressive too' Sam is saying. 'I love how you put in your dad's inputs about it all-'

'Well that's outsourcing, if anything' Stephen interrupts rudely.

'I'll thank you, Stephen, to keep your opinions with yourself' Sam says. 'It wasn't ripped off from anywhere' says a calm voice.

Symphony's speaking now, her eyes meet mine, and a bolt of pure electricity runs down my body, and it's a marvel that I'm not blushing. Stephen looks at her, startled, but she continues. 'It was his own work that I read. And he has a way of explaining that makes you want to read more.'


'Jasper.' Cassidy says my name audibly, and Symphony giggles softly. 'Stop dreaming, dude.'

'' I panic for a second, and then calm down when I see her eyes again, and drown in their color that is just so strikingly beautiful, even from the distance I sit away from her.

Sam clears her throat loudly, and tells us to assemble near the computers, to start collating the previous night's data. I jump into my chair and zoom to my desk, at which Symphony gives me a wink, and laughs. I'm still staring avidly at her when Cassidy, weary with mute rage, taps me on the shoulder the third time. 'Bloody hell Jasper, one more time now and I'm going to kill you.'

I fake choking, and ruffle Cassidy's hair in a playful manner; at which she groans and pushes me away.

It's seldom I get reasons to cherish my reason for living, it's rarely that I get to see something that doesn't make me question my existence on earth. Let me enjoy those few blissful moments, Cassidy. They make my living worth living.

As we step out into the harsh midday sunlight after having worked away studiously for 4 hours straight; I see Stephen approach me. Cassidy puts a protective hand on my arm, and pulls me back, but no.

I want to face him. I want to make him angry.

'Now look weirdo. One more time you hit on my girlfriend, and I'm going to punch your teeth in.' He almost quite towers over me- I'm a measly 5'6 compared to his 6'2; but I don't really let that bother me.

"I never hit on your girlfriend, Stephen. Shut your fat trap.' How dare he accuse me of such things? I barely looked at her either once or twice. No, you kept looking at her all the freaking time, a voice in my head says. But, she kept instigating me, I didn't, I retort.

'Stephen!' Symphony calls, in the shotgun seat of his car. 'Coming baby!' Stephen yells back. I cringe a little. I don't want anyone else to call her "baby."

'I've warned you, weirdo. One more time' he mimes punching my face, and walks off to his car.

Cassidy watches his retreating figure sadly, and then turns to face me. 'C'mon Cassidy, wanna have some ice cream?' I ask, in an attempt to lighten the mood. 'Whatever, Jasper.' She huffs, and unlocks her bicycle.

'You know he's a jerkface, Cassidy.'

'I-uh-whatever..Just need a break now.' She stammers incoherently, and starts to pedal away. 'Hey!' I say, and follow her.

We have a lot of things in common, as I told you.

Number Two. We're both hopelessly in love with people who can never be ours. Or atleast, she is.

Because I still don't understand what exactly it is I feel for Symphony.

Later in the small ice cream shop we frequent, Cassidy clutches her cold glass tumbler, and stares moodily at the purple swirls in her ice cream, already melting in the heat. Before I can say anything at all though, she begins.

'What is it that life wants from people like us, Jasper?'

By "us", I know what she means. Socially inept teens, unable to craft their own paths ahead in life. Awkward around everyone, and fumbling with everything. And a history that mars our future.

Because Cassidy's father is dead too. A fact that pains me more everyday, because he will never be able to acknowledge, or ever cherish his daughter. That's probably part of the reason why Cassidy is so insecure, and so craves for love from unconventional people. People like me, or Stephen for that matter too.

I realize she's waiting for an answer, and cobble together the little I can think of. It's not as if she has't seen Stephen around other girls. But I guess this is one time too many.

'Life never asks or wants, Cassidy, I believe. It only gives or takes without warning. It doesn't care what happens to us when we strike rich, or walk home poorer. All it wants, is for us to adapt. Just like a taxing treadmill. It will put us through all levels in the scale. And there's nothing we can do about it. I know you, and I, know that feeling too well.'

Cassidy nods weakly, and looks up. I'm shocked to find her eyes teary.

'Why us, though? Why do we never get what we want?'

I put a hand on her shaking one, and barely find the breath to whisper 'I really don't know, Cassidy. I really don't.'

Life sucks for a reason.

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