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Maya's POV

I woke up as I heard someone speaking on phone. I took the quilt off and opened my eyes slowly. I saw Zain speaking on phone and smiling at what the other person had said. If only he would smile with me. I wish I were the reason behind his smile.

I tried to get up but my whole body was aching. The cold floor had made my muscles pull. My back was paining. I hissed and stand straight. Zain looked at me for a minute. Then he got up from the bed and started moving towards me. My breath hitched. Was he going to help me? But as always I was wrong he took the charger which was on socket and went out of room. He didn't even looked at me.

I slowly went to washroom to get fresh and after doing my business, I went to kitchen to make breakfast. I made some omelettes and toast the bread and made coffee for Zain. I put it on the table. My whole body was aching. I saw Zain now angrily coming to dining table , shouting on phone.

Was he for real? He was literally smiling 1 hour before.

He pushed back the seat and sat down. He looked at me and then told me iron his clothes. I went to iron his clothes. I ironed his white shirt. I came out and cleaned the table, he was mad at someone still shouting at the person. I was feeling sorry for that person.

"Maya! Where the hell are you?" Zain shouted.
I was cleaning the kitchen when I heard Zain shouting. I rushed towards the room.

"What happened?" I asked not knowing my mistake.

Zain was holding that ironed white shirt. He barged towards me and took a fistful of my hairs. I whimpered in pain and a shriek lest my mouth.

"Why didn't you iron my shirt?" He asked angrily.

"I did," confusingly I whispered.

"Oh! So you think I am lying over here huh? Let me show you your standard woman." Zain shouted and grabbed my arm forcefully and yanked me towards where iron stand was.

He switched on the iron at maximum heat and throw daggers at me . His grip was strong. I painfully looked at the floor. He suddenly put my hands on iron stand and put hot iron on my hand.

A painful shriek left my mouth and constant 'sorry' word was rolling down my lips. But he didn't listen my painful shrieks . My shrieks were deaf to his ears. Tears were constantly flowing from my eyes. He left my hand and took hold of my other hand. My eyes widened, I was crying hysterically. He put my other hand on the iron stand and without hearing my any cries put the hot iron on that hand too. It was painful. I was whimpering in pain. He left hen took off the iron and forcefully dragged me to store room . I was in severe pain as soon as he throwed me to other corner of store, I stood up and pushed him harder. He stumbled and fall down . I ran towards the washroom and opened the faucet to put cold water on my burnt hand . I was constantly crying. As soon as the cold water hit my hand, my whole body shivered. I heard his footsteps and his constant shouting. I quickly ran to lock the door but I was late. He quickly put his foot and stopped me from locking the door. He pushed the door harder , I stumbled and fell. He took a fistful of  my hairs and dragged me to room.

"Cry loud babe!! But no one is going to hear you. Now you will know how one wrong move can change your life. How dare you to push me?"
"I'm so...sorr...sorry. I... didn't me...mean it," I replied weakly. He slapped me harder.

"Oh really babe!! Do you even know that you are the only worthless person in this world? You are really a bi..." He was going to complete that bad word when his phone rang. He quickly  gave me a disgust full look and went out. Then I heard his car honk and he went somewhere. I was crying hysterically. My whole body was aching and my soul asking for a little mercy on it. I was broken from inside.

Oh my Allah! Help me, please!


I am not promoting abuse.. it's just the sad reality of our society... girls getting abuse....abusing husband and much more... so please don't take it as me promoting abuse...

Share your thoughts!! I want to know ur opinions...
Until next chapter, Take Care❤️

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