Chapter 3

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"Mother?" Luster gently pushed the headmare's door ajar.

"Luster? What are you doing here?" Starlight got up to hug her, poorly masked concern on her face.

Luster hugged Starlight back, then plainly asked "What do you know about rune spells?"

Starlight flinched and was silent for a moment. "Runes? Like, the type of spell?"

Luster nodded.

"No, I can't help you."

"Mother, please. I've been having really weird dreams and I just-"

"Please, Luster. Please understand. Rune spells are bad news."

"Oh, come on, you don't know that!" Luster set a hoof down.

"Don't I? Don't I know better than anypony here what dark magic is!?" Starlight snapped before covering her mouth.

Luster leaned forward. "Mother, what do you mean?"

Starlight shook her head and turned around.

"You gotta speak to me. Please!"

"Ah, there she is! My little honeyb--" began Sunburst. "Starlight?"

Starlight turned partly to her daughter. "Luster. We will speak about this at home."

Luster looked aside and hesitantly nodded.

On her way out, Luster barely caught on to a friendly "Bye bye, Luster! Hope you enjoyed your visit!" behind her.

She turned around and smiled sadly. "Thanks. Silverstream. See you around."

As Luster left the School of Friendship, her thoughts shifted toward rune spells again. If they were ever only used for dark magic, where's the proof?

Judging from her own mother's words, there must be some sort of recorded use of them.

Luster found herself walking towards the train station out of habit. She hesitated for a second, then kept walking. Her home may be a library, but none is as extensive as the Library of Magic in Canterlot. It was her only hope to get some answers, now.

Luster arrived at the library an hour later and silently checked in, returning a couple of books in the process. She made her way to her favourite spot, picking up a few books on the way.

Setting down her bookbag in her corner, Luster made a b-line for the Ancient History section.

Absent-mindedly browsing the shelves, Luster's eyes fell upon a book that made her shudder. The Extensive Summary of Ancient Equestrian History, Part One. Not even Luster has been able to read the entire thing and it's one of the few books she's ever wanted to put down.

Any other day, she would have just skipped this book, and she definitely wanted to. But, Luster took a quick look around the other shelves, full of books she's read several times over. Eventually, she let out a quiet groan and snatched the book off the shelf.

While she was still on her hooves, Luster went to grab Part Two of the book and a blanket.

The books landed with a loud thud when Luster set them down, earning a few dirty looks.

A few hours in and with a full sheet of parchment full of useless notes, Luster grew frustrated. There was no mention of runes in the index, and she was almost halfway through the first book.

Luster turned the page and the words 'rune spell' stuck out immediately. Luster flipped over her parchment sheet and redipped her quill.

According to the book, King Sombra was a very talented spellcrafter, and often used many offensive spells of his own creation before he allowed dark magic to consume him.

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