Chapter 7

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The next morning, Twilight called Starlight to the throneroom.

"Twilight, I know you're worried, but we can handle it."

"If this were any other time, I'd believe that, Starlight. But, after yesterday..." Twilight grimaced.

"Listen, Twilight. If worse comes to worse, the safest place you can be is far away from here."

Twilight knew she'd be helpless if that pony made it past the security measures, but Twilight personally checked over every measure put in place over the last 24 hours, just to make sure it was completely watertight. Last night, she enlisted several unicorn guards to shield Canterlot in a protective bubble at all times. Nopony could get past that.

Twilight thought for a while, then let out a defeated sigh. "Very well. If anything happens, you send me a scroll immediately."

Starlight smiled. "Of course. Enjoy your day off, Twilight."

Twilight hugged Starlight on her way out. Luster waited until Twilight left and joined her mother in the throneroom.

"Uh, where's Princess Twilight going?" she asked.

"Silver Shoals. I told her to take the day off." Starlight went to sit beside Twilight's throne. "But, we have the entirety of Canterlot on strict lockdown. We'll be absolutely fine."

"Which also means none of us can leave the castle today, we can't afford to risk anything right now." Sunburst added, walking up beside Luster.

Luster sighed. "In that case, I'm gonna go back to bed," and left the room.

Meanwhile, Twilight was just getting on the ship to Silver Shoals with her entourage of guards.

The Captain of the Guard strode up to the boat. "Your Highness, we have performed a final sweep of Canterlot. No intruders."

"Good. Please, take care of yourself."

"Of course."

During the entire time, Twilight tried to get some rest, but couldn't even nod off. She was tired. Exhausted, really, but she just couldn't shake the thought of that pony coming to Canterlot and reducing it to smoulders.

When the dock came into view, Twilight could make out the shapes of Celestia and Luna waiting for her at the docks, just like they always did. Twilight immediately went to go outside her quarters, but her own guard stopped her.

"A thousand apologies, your Highness, but we must stick with the protocol, as you requested."

"Oh, of course. Sorry."

At the docks, Celestia and Luna were also swarmed with guards. When Twilight got off the boat, she barely had the chance to give them a hug before being escorted to a safehouse.

A few guards entered the room and shut the door behind them.

Celestia's voice was quiet and concerned. "Twilight, can you please tell us what's going on? None of the guards explained anything to us."

"Has something happened back in Canterlot?" asked Luna.

Twilight was silent for a moment, then cried.

"Oh, I can't deal with this, Celestia!" Twilight sobbed. "I tried to help her, but I just-"

Celestia took Twilight in for a motherly hug. She didn't dare to say anything.

"Flurry Heart's missing, and Pinkie's really hurt, Celestia. She hasn't woken up." Twilight could barely get the words out.

Luna looked to Celestia, who nodded discreetly.

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