Chapter 6

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Luster couldn't bear the thought of teleporting back there again, her horn was already hurting from that Bubble of Silence.

But, Luster couldn't really see another option. If she took another step forward, every guard in Canterlot would know of her presence.

So, Luster pressed up against the wall of the library and searched for the balcony to her guest bedroom.

Luster went to pull out the teleportation scroll, then put it back in her bag. She closed her eyes, took a deep breath in and out, and teleported.

When she went to open her eyes, Luster stretched out over the bed and rolled over. The ever-familiar ceiling of Canterlot Castle's bedrooms was a comforting sight, despite the throbbing pain in her horn.

Not even a moment later, Starlight opened the door, startling Luster enough to make her fall off the bed.

Starlight walked inside. "Oh, sorry, honeybun! Didn't mean to wake you up like that."

Sunburst poked his head through the door. "Just a reminder, it's midday. We're free to talk now."

Luster poked her head over the bed, hiding her nervous smile. "Yeah, I'd like that."

Later, the family were on their way to the throneroom.

Luster wanted to wait until they actually got there before asking, but curiosity got the better of her. "So, what's going on? I've never seen you guys panic like that this morning."

Starlight and Sunburst exchanged worried glances.

Starlight whispered, "You tell her."

Sunburst whispered back, "Why can't you?"

"It'll break the poor filly's heart, Sunburst. I can't tell her."

Luster leaned forward. "Tell me what? Mother, what are you talking about?"

Starlight looked from Luster to Sunburst, then Luster again before biting her lip.

"Twilight had to call off the fight up in the Crystal Empire. One of the Council members got... hurt."

"Don't sugarcoat it, Starlight. This is too serious."

Starlight stopped in her tracks. "No, I can't say it. Pinkie's my friend!"

Sunburst went to hug Starlight and looked up at Luster. "When Twilight gets back, just... give her some space, OK?"

Luster felt a prick in her eye and almost started crying then and there. Her voice was reserved, but robotic. "Okay. You look like you need space, too. I will be in the library."

Starlight went to reach out for Luster, then Sunburst put her hoof back down. "I think she means she needs some space. Best to wait for now."

Luster waited until she was out of sight to start galloping towards the castle's library.

She double-checked for guards, then set her bookbag down on the table.

Her horn ached really bad at this point, she had no choice but to search for the book by hoof. But as Luster rummaged around her bag, she could feel a small vial in there. Pulling it out, Luster realised it was a horn soothing salve, ideal for unicorns with horn fatigue. Wrapped around the lid was a label with some kind of writing.

Luster took a closer look and recognised the lettering straight away.

"Oh, you are a lifesaver, Almond Snap," Luster said to herself, immediately rubbing some of the ointment around the base of her horn.

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