The V Spells

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(Vacuum Cleaner Spell): Cleans objects by using the wand to suck up dust like a vacuum cleaner.

Ventus: Shoots a jet of strong spiralling wind from the tip of the wand.

Ventus Duo: A stronger version of the Ventus jinx.

Ver A Verto: Turns animals into water goblets.

Verdillious: A spell used to shoot green sparks from the end of the wand.

Verdimillious: Produces  jet of green sparks that can be used in duelling, or to reveal things hidden by the dark.

Verdimillious Duo: A more powerful version of Verdimillious.

Vermiculus: Transforms things into worms.

Vermillious: Jet of green sparks that can be used to signal an emergency or as a minor duelling spell.

Vipera Evanesca: Vanishes snakes. Subsequently, it is the counter spell for the snake summoning charm.

Vulnera Sanentur: Healing spell that slows blood flow, clears residue, and knits wounds. It is the counter-curse to 

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