The B spells

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(Babbling Curse): Causes uncontrollable babbling.

(Badgering): Turns things into badgers.

(Bat-Bogey Hex): Transforms the target's bogeys into large bats that fly out of the victim's nose. It was invented by Miranda Goshawk.

Baubillious: The exact effects of the spell are unknown, though it presumably is of damaging nature and it produces a bolt of white light from the tip of the wand.

(Bedazzling Hex): Allows the caster to disguise things.

(Bewitched Snowballs): Causes snowballs to pelt themselves at the target.

(Blue-Bell Flames): Produces magical blue flames that can  be held in a jar. Not as dangerous as real fire, these magical flames can be touched, though it is known to singe materials such as clothing and plants.

(Blue Sparks): Jet of blue sparks. It can be used offensively as a minor duelling spell.

Bombarda: Provokes a small explosion.

Bombarda Maxima: Creates a large explosion. Capable of removing entire walls. A more advanced and more powerful form of the exploding charm.

Brackium Emendo: If used correctly. it is claimed that this spell will heal broken bones; this theory is supported by the etymology.

(Bravery Charm): Increases the bravery of a teammate, increasing their performance against their foes.

(Bridge Conjuring Spell): Conjures a bridge from thin air.

(Broom Jinx): Used to make broomsticks try to throw their  riders off through a variety of means such as sudden lurches and violent swishing movements. constant eye contact is needed for this jinx to keep working.

(Bubble-Headed Charm): Produces a large bubble of air around the head of the user; it is commonly used as the supernatural equivalent of a breathing set.

(Bubble-Producing charm): Produces a stream of non-bursting bubbles.

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