The A spells

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Aberto: A spell used to open doors. 

Accio: Summons an object towards the caster. It is able to summon objects in direct line of sight of the caster, as well as things out of view, by calling the object aloud after the incantation (unless the spell is casted nonverbally.) This spell needs thought behind it, and the object must be clear in the casters mind before trying to summon it. The caster doesn't necessarily need to know the __cpLocation of the target if they say the name of the object behind summoned.

(Age Line): Prevents people above or below a certain age from access to a target.

Aguamenti: produces a clean, drinkable jet of water from the wand tip.

Alarte Ascendare: Shoots the target high into the air.

(Albus Dumbledore's Forceful Spell): This spell was supposedly, quite powerful as when it was cast, the opponent was forced to conjure a silver shield to deflect it. 

Alohomora: unlocks doors and other objects. It can also unlock doors that have been sealed with a locking spell, although it is possible to bewitch doors to become unaffected by this spell.

Amato Animo Animato Animagus: Spell used as part of the process to become an Animagus. The incantation has to be recited at sunrise and sundown, everyday before the consumption of the Animagus potion. The incantation is also recited just prior to the consumption of the potion, which has to take place just before a lighting storm starts. The incantation is recited while placing the wand's tip over ones heart.

Anapneo: Clears the target's airway if they are choking on something.

Anteoculatia: Causes the target to grow antlers.

(Anti-cheating spell): Used to prevent cheating.

(Anti-Disapparation Jinx): Prevents disapparation in an area. It is used to entrap an enemy in an area.

(Anti-Intruder Jinx): Prevents intruders from entering an area.

(Antonia Dolohov's Curse): An unknown curse that causes injuries that are capable of killing with enough power.

Aparacium: Reveals secret messages written in invisible ink, or any other hidden markings. Also works against concealing charms.

Appare Vestingium: Reveals traces of magic, including footprints and track marks.

Apparition: Magically transports the caster to another location instantaneously. The destination is one that the primary user has been to or see in some fashion previously. Can be used to apparate multiple people at once if holding each other. No incantation required. 

Aqua Ecucto: This spell is used to create and control, a jet of clear water from the tip of the wand; it is probably related to Aguamenti.

Arania Exuma: Drives away spiders, including Acromantulas. 

Arresto Momentum: Decreases the velocity of a moving target. Can be used on multiple targets, as well as on the caster themselves. It was invented by Daisy Pennifold in 1711 for use on the Quaffle in Quidditch. 

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