Smoke, debris and corpses, that's all you can see in Konohagakure now. Sakura felt sick. Everywhere she looked there was only sadness. Pain had attacked the village and laid waste wherever his Rinnegan looked. Sure they defeated him but at what cost? Naruto was dead, and so was Kakashi and Ino and just about everyone else she cared about.
Sakura looked at her precious village when someone approached her. It was Tsunade.
"Sakura! How much chakra do you have left?" asked Tsunade.
She blinked at her in confusion. "I still have some left...Why? Is someone wounded?" asked Sakura.
"No. But I'll need you to come with me."said Tsunade as she turned around."Hurry!" Sakura got up and started following her mentor, they entered the hokage tower and then her office. Tsunade pulled out a scroll from her desk and handed it to Sakura.
"This scroll has the power to transport a person back in time, it is a forbidden jutsu, but considering our circumstances, I believe it's for the best to use it now." said Tsunade. "Sakura, you are the perfect person for this job, I trust you to change the future for the better. Do you accept this mission?"
Sakura looked at the scroll in her hands in thought. She can go back in time? And prevent the death of her friends and family? She can save everyone?
"Yes!" said Sakura firmly.
"Good, let me explain how it works. I'll send you back with your memory intact, about 5 years ago, once I do this you can never come back. You should still have some of your current abilities so don't worry about not being strong enough. The scroll will come with you and you need to keep it safe got it?" explaind Tsunade.
"But master, what if I run into the past you, won't it be suspicious to have the same power?" asked Tsunade.
The hokage stood a bit in thought before answering. "Just show me the scroll and I'll understand. Now, lets get you back in time."
Sakura opened the scroll and made the hand seals. Then the world turned white.
Sakura woke up to the white ceiling of her bedroom. She got up from her bed and felt hair along her back. Wait...Long hair? Sakura ran to her desk to look in the mirror and realized she was twelve. It worked! She was back in time, she- she really did it. She turned her head and saw the scroll on the bed, she quickly cast a substitution on it, turning it into a pen and left it on her desk, hidden in plain sight.
"Sakura, wAKE UP YOU'RE GONNA BE LATE FOR SCHOOL!" yelled her mother. School? Right, she was back at the academy. She took her weapon pouch and realized that she only had 3 kunai and 20 shuriken. Oh, how stupid I was back then...I guess I'll train with those for now and buy some more later. She looked in her closet and scowled, she couldn't train in her old outfit, it was so impractical. She decided to wear her old one for now and buy a new one with Ino.
She went to the kitchen to greet her mom and then pulled the scissors and cut her hair. Her mother looked at her surprised.
"Sakura! Your hair! Why?" asked Mebuki.
"I just thought it was time for a change, y'know?" said Sakura
"I see, well then dear, you should hurry, you don't wanna be late now do you?" said her mother. Sakura nodded then left.
She kept walking towards the academy until she recognized a flash of blonde hair and purple. Ino... She started running towards her until she stopped in front of her.
"Good morning forehead! What happened to your hair?" said Ino.
"Morning pig, I decided for a change, and besides long hair is a liability." said Sakura.
"Are you sure you aren't trying to get Sasuke attention?" asked Ino slyly.
"No, I'm over him." said Sakura.
Ino widened her eyes in shock. "Whaa? For real? What changed?" asked Ino.
Well for starters he's a betraying backstabbing 2 faced snake. Now don't get her wrong, she didn't hate Sasuke and she will do everything in her power to stop him from leaving, but right now she didn't feel any love for him, she resigned herself."I realized that I missed you and no boy should get in the way of our friendship, sorry for what I said back then." said Sakura while smiling.
Ino looked at her shocked then started thinking. "You know what forehead? You're right! Screw boys, girl power for life!"
Now it was Sakura's turn to be shocked. "R-really?"
"Well, what you are saying does make sense and beside.... I'd be lying if I said I didn't miss you as well." Ino's voice was sincere and that made Sakura happy.
"Now come on forehead, I'll race you to the academy."
Sakura smirked "You're on pig!"
When they arrived at the academy they were both panting. They looked at each other then smiled and walked inside the classroom. They both took a seat next to each other and waited for Iruka-sensei. When he finally arrived he announced that in a month they will all take the graduation test. Perfect, that means I have a month to train...
When she got home she prepared herself a schedule, she would run 1 lap around the village, then she would build her strength, after all of this she would come home change and go to school. Come back and work on her chakra reserve.
She was quite surprised and happy when Ino invited her for a shopping spree 2 days later. They started building their friendship back up, it was still awkward sometimes, but at least it was something. After she bought herself a new outfit and a few weapons she went and picked up a few medical books.
"Medical stuff? What do you need that for?" asked Ino
"I started practicing medical ninjutsu, here watch this." Sakura scratched herself with a kunai enough to draw blood then quickly healed herself like nothing happened.
"Cool! When did you learn that?" asked Ino
She couldn't just tell Ino she was taught by a legendary sannin, that doesn't even remember her and is probably drunk off her ass in some bar. Sakura shrugged "I've been going to the library for the past weeks and read a lot of medical books, but-"
"You need your own medical stuff, I got ya. Well if you ever need herbs, i'll be more than happy to help you, forehead." said Ino.
"Thanks pig."

Stream of past
FanfictionWhen the village gets destroyed by Pain, Sakura must travel to the past in order to fix everything/ Time Travel Au. Yeah...I have read too many time travel ff, so I decided to write my own, this fanfic will also be posted on m...