Daphne x reader (Guy's side) Chapter 5: Investigating/Spooky Island Castle

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(Y/N)'s POV:

Despite how nice it was of Mr. Mondevarious to create this party, I didn't think it would be  such a good idea to celebrate during an investigation, not when  something weird is going on with the college kids. When it started to  get dark, Dean, Sam, (F/A/N) and I split up to ask if anyone knew  anything strange that might be going on around here.

"So, you haven't noticed  anything unusual since you started working here? Any weirdos running  around? Or anything that might stand out from usual?" I ask one of the  workers, who is dressed up in a creepy looking skeleton costume.

"Uh, no," says the worker.

"Okay, well thanks for your time," I say, then walk away with (F/A/N). Not long after, we meet  up with Sam and Dean. "Hey, guys. Found anything yet?"

"Afraid not. It's the same thing, no matter who we ask. None of the workers have noticed  anything out of the ordinary, no weirdos, or anybody that could possibly stand out. No one's been skipping work, so it can't be any of them," Sam explains. "And we can't ask any of the students, because that's asking for trouble. And according to those who have been working here the longest, they're not familiar with any strange rituals that could be related to this island, last time I checked."

"And I'm starting to think that Mondevarious guy was right about these students being  possessed by something," Dean says. "How is it that none of the chicks here are falling for my good looks?"

Sam, (F/A/N) and I all roll our eyes at him.

Of course that'd bother him.

"Could you take this  more seriously? People's lives could be at stake," I ask, feeling myself  about to lose it, fed up with Dean's stupidity.

"I am taking this seriously. One of the chicks I tried to flirt with nearly threw me in the air, like what we saw today with that girl who was leaving the island, Carol," Dean explains. "And another one almost broke my arm, threatening that she'd do worse if I didn't "back off her grill"."

Hearing that made me curious. "And did anyone nearby react to the situation?" I ask.

"Well, the workers did, but were too scared to intervene. As for the students, they didn't react  one bit, just like this afternoon," says Dean.

Guess Dean did find something, after all. I mean, as far as we can tell, all of the college students not only develop a strange behavior, but they also gain unusual strength. The question is how that's even possible? Just thinking about it is starting to make my head hurt.

"Maybe there's something we're missing, like a secret hideout of some kind," (F/A/N) suggests.

"Or maybe there are some rides that are closed and are not permitted to being entered," Sam points out.

"Only one way to find out," I say.

We tried again, but this time, we went looking at the beach. Thanks to Sam, he got some info that someone lives in a small hut at the beach, and he just might have the information we need. However...

"What are you doing here!?" I question, surprised to see Daphne, who is heading to the same hut we are going to.

"No, (Y/N), what are you  doing here? I found this place first, in case you haven't noticed, so go look somewhere else to find clues," Daphne says, walking up to me.

"In case YOU haven't noticed, this isn't a race. This is a very important mystery," I say with my arms crossed, not happy to see her.

"I know that," she says.

2nd Scooby-Doo sequel/Scooby Doo on Spooky Island (finished)Where stories live. Discover now