Velma x reader (Guy's side) Chapter 8: Monster Attack!

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(Y/N) POV:

As soon as we got out of that Spooky Island Castle, we all make sure to head back to the hotel. Along the way, we mention the clues that we had found in that castle, and start to plan our next course of action, as well as who our suspects might be.

"Ah, Mystery Inc. You all seem rather cheery. Good news, I hope?" Mr. Mondevarious asks, coming to greet us.

"Mr. Mononucleosis," Fred begins to say.

Mr. Mondevarious rolls his eyes at Fred, for not saying his name right, but decides to let it go. "Yes?" he asks.

"We have hit a clue smorgasbord," Dean says, pointing to the Daemon Ritus in Velma's hands.

"We also have three suspects as to who might be behind this mess," says Sam.

"N' Goo Tuana. He believes your theme park's been built on enchanted grounds," says Velma.

"The voodoo man, who shrewdly tricked me into going to the castle," Daphne says.

"And you," Fred says, pointing a finger at Mr. Mondevarious.

"Me?" Mr. Mondevarious asks, his eyes widening in shock.

"Alright, gang, let's split up," Fred suggests. "We'll meet back here in a half hour. I'll interview employees to see if they've noticed anything odd."

"I'm gonna get to work on translating these inscriptions that (Y/N), (F/A/N) and Daphne found," Velma says.

"I'll go research cults on the net," Daphne says.

Her and Velma give each other a high-five, and then head off to do their tasks.

"I'm a suspect?" Mr. Mondevarious asks.

"Don't take it personally. It's mostly just because you creep me out," Fred clarifies.

"And whenever we unmasked somebody in the past, it would sometimes be someone who hired us to solve a mystery. So, I hope you don't take it the wrong way," I explain.

"Oh, I see. Fine," Mr. Mondevarious says, looking relieved.

With that said and done, the gang and I split up, trying to see if we can find out anything else that might help us figure out this mystery. (F/A/N) and I also try our best by looking up on the internet to see if Spooky Island has any history behind it before Mr. Mondevarious built his theme park here.

"Found anything?" Sam asks, he and Dean bringing over our drinks.

"Not yet, but we're working on it. It's great that everyone's working together again," I say, typing away on my computer to find whatever info I can.

"That's good," Sam says.

"You both seem happier than usual," Dean says.

I look at him, slightly surprised. "We do?" I ask, grabbing my drink from Dean, while he and Sam take a seat.

"Yeah. You've actually been smiling a lot more than usual, ever since we left the castle," Sam points out, taking a sip from his own drink.

"I guess we just never noticed. It has been a long time since we last solved a mystery with the gang," (F/A/N) points out.

"I guess Mystery Inc. really mattered that much to the two of you, didn't it?" Dean asks.

I let out a sigh. "Yeah, it really did. Focusing on a mystery with everyone kind of reminds me of the old days," I say, earning a nod of agreement from (F/A/N).

2nd Scooby-Doo sequel/Scooby Doo on Spooky Island (finished)Where stories live. Discover now