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Toxic. That way of describing it, it being my relationship with world famous Min Yoongi. He always had a way of belittling me... sometimes I don't think he knew he was doing it but there were some days that were just worse than others... I guess today was the last straw.

"Fucks sake Yun! Can't you do anything right?!" Yoongi snapped as he threw his plate away. He was in one of his moods again, typically this happens when a song he's working on isn't going his way. "You can't even fucking cook! The house is a mess what the fuck can you do?" He spat pushing his chair back making an ear aching screech as the legs pushed from the floor. "Ally, our new producer...she can cook as well producing music. She's talented enough to become an idol herself. What are you compared to her?" He fired with a laugh, throwing his head back.

I tried to form words as my lips wobbled, this producer...ever since she arrived she was all he talked about. The way he spoke...it was as if she was his girlfriend and not me. I could feel my eyes begin to water just thinking about the look on his face whenever he praised her, his praised then led to comparisons just like today. It was infuriating and it hurts so much.

"What?" He asked with a glare. I only stared, blinking away tears before they fell, I refuse to break down in front of him."She can cook, she brought us food one, it was almost as good as Jins. Why can't you cook like her huh?"

That was it. I'm so fucking sick of this shit. I finally snapped, "I'M NOT HER OKAY! So just fucking stop, stop comparing me to her! I get it, in your eyes I'll only ever be pathetic and useless while she's amazing." My eyes betrayed me as warm salty tears rolled down my cheeks but I didn't stop. "I'm not changing myself for you when there's nothing wrong with me! If you want her then go! Go have her because I'm done with you, done being with someone who treats me like crap always comparing me to others, criticising everything I do! You want someone like her?! Then leave! There's nothing holding you back!"

It seamed that Yoongi was taken back by my outburst as he looked gobsmacked. "Your braking up with me? Yun what the actual fuck? Just because of one small issue?! Ally wouldn't be-"

"There you go again!" I scoffed, cutting him off. "Comparing me to her again! Just stop! I'm so sick of it! We are done, over. So take your things and leave!"

"Your being unreasonable Yun. Ally-"

"Un-fucking-believable! YOUR DOING IT AGIAN! DO YOU REALLY EXPECT YOUR GIRLFRIEND TO STAY WITH YOU WHEN YOUR CONSTANTLY COMPARING HER TO ANOTHER GIRL?! You really need to get your head out of your ass. If your not leaving then I am." I spat.

And so that night I left. All my things gone. Finally I was free...but why don't I feel like it? Walking out of a nearly 2 year relationship...what a waste of time. I mentally sighed as I looked through my contacts for my best friend.

"Yun? Hey wassup?"

"Bri...would it be okay if I stayed with you for a couple of day?" I asked trying not to break down again. "I'll explain after..."

"Of course! Yeah sure-do you want me to come and get you or are you okay with driving to my place?"

"I'm actually in the car right now-I'll be there in a few..."

"I'll get the guest room ready for you."

"Thank you Sabrina, really. Thank you so much."

"No need to thank me, I'm always here for you Yun, always."

[Yoongi's POV]

Me:GuysI fucked up

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I fucked up

What happened?

What did you do?

I'm in the middle of working out


My girlfriend just broke
up with me

She did?! Why lol

Oi stop laughing kook


What did you do for her
to leave you?

We just had a small argument
and she just left saying that
we're over

Dw she'll come to her senses
and realise that she didn't
mean it

Why don't you come over?
I'm making dinner tonight

Yeah, It'll get your
mind off things

I'll be over in a few

Yk you guys have been
together for what? nearly
2 years and we still haven't
met her..


But he has a point.
Jimin introduced SunHee to us
like a month into dating

And you guys met EunHa
pretty quick


Edited — 21st NOV 2021

a/n hello beautiful people! welcome to the first chapter of WIOM, i hope you enjoy your stay <3 please do comment, i enjoy reading them! and if you have any constructive criticism or questions do comment them as it would help me grow as a writer with the feed back and i'd love to answer your questions!

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