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"JAEDEN!" I yelled.

I ran over to her, and held her head still.

Billy and the others caught Dr sivana, while I tried to help jaeden.


I looked and saw Freddy stab sivana through the chest with a plank of wood, and then j saw sivanas limo body fall to the ground.

They all ran to me and jaeden, where they saw jaeden shaking uncontrollably.

Then, she stopped, and took s few deep breaths.

"Freddy..." she whispered.

"Just hold on Jay. It'll be OK." I said in a shaky voice.

"You... You have to... You have to kill me." she whispered.


"Something is inside of me, something evil." she said.

Then, she started to scream again.

I saw something moving around in her arm, and that's what the evil inside of her was.

"Hold her still." I said.

I grabbed a knife, and ran over to her.

Her screaming calmed down a bit and k pointed the knife at her arm.

"Jay? This will hurt a lot, so you have to be prepared." I said.

Billy looked St me with wide eyes, and was about to object when jaeden nodded.

"Do it." she said.

I looked at the others, and they nodded.

I cut into her arm, earning a sharp scream form her.

I cut a long incision into her arm, and prepped myself.

I stuck my hand in her and, and searched for whatever it was that she had.

She screamed even more, and I got s hold of it.

"Get ready. 1, 2, 3!"

I pulled it out of her and, and she screamed even more.

I saw blood spill out of her arm, and Rosa ran to stop the bleeding.

I looked at the machinery that I pulled out, horrified by what I saw.

I saw some sort if liquid in it, a black liquid, and It was spewing it out.

I think that it is spewing this into her bloodstream.

She calmed down a little, and started to breathe really heavy.

"Freddy?" she whispered.

I turned to her, still holding the machinery.

"I don't..."

Then her breathing stopped altogether.

Fallen || Freddy Freeman (Sequel to The Two of Us)Where stories live. Discover now