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What the fuck is up guys! So I am going to continue this book cause I have some ideas I believe so enjoy!!!

What the fuck is up guys! So I am going to continue this book cause I have some ideas I believe so enjoy!!!

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I walked to school and saw the losers. Except for richie, Bill and him were fighting. I didn't want them to fight but they were. They were honestly fighting I've something stupid. We walked to class. I saw Greta. She looked at me. I waved and walked to my locker. I opened my locker and got my gym uniform. I gagged at the sight. I then walked to gym class.

I walked in the doors and headed to the girls locker room. I saw Greta talking to Richie. Huh. I then walk into the locker room. I changed and went into the gym. We did our warm up run. Then we played softball. After the long day I headed home.


After finishing my homework I hear my phone. I stand up and pick it up. "Hello?" I said. "Hey, y/n! You would not believe what I heard." Beverly said. "What's up?" I said. "Well, let's just say greta said that Richie said you were a uh bitch." She said. My heart dropped. The thing is, I like Richie and I wasn't even involved with this fight. "I gotta go." I said and put the phone down. I then put richies number in.

"Hello?" He said. "Richie." I said. "Y/n! God I haven't heard your voice in a few days, i miss it." He said. "Look I don't want to be involved in you and bills fight but, did you call me a bitch?'' I said. "No! I would never! You don't even have anything to do with it... but greta told me you and the losers were talking shit." He said. We weren't at all. "Look, we were never talking shit about you, what you need to do is talk to bill, he's been telling us that he wants to work things out." I said then hung up. That bitch, greta.


Next morning I woke up and got ready. I was gonna call her out today. I got to school, saw the losers and greta. Bill and Richie were talking. I smiled. Then greta walked up to us. "Get the fuck back." I said. "What?" She said. "You! You made the situation even worse by spreading LIES! You played a he said, she said card! Go be fake to someone else." I said.

"Nobody, breaks up the losers." I said then punched her.

- 420 words 😉

𝓕𝐢𝐧𝐧 𝓦𝗼𝐥𝐟𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐝 𝐢𝗺𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬 2Where stories live. Discover now